Natty Noob

PS: Anyone that know's a good routine for noobs at my weight/mass please help.

Im still not organized with routines.
yeah so what is your height and are you trying to bulk on muscle or shred fat and look ripped?
Horses R Us said:
yeah so what is your height and are you trying to bulk on muscle or shred fat and look ripped?

shed fat and then bulk once I get more training under my belt.
legs? well, if you want to diet, diet wisely and hit them iron harder. be sure to train with quality and not quantity..meaning..don't overtrain!
AngryMuscles said:
legs? well, if you want to diet, diet wisely and hit them iron harder. be sure to train with quality and not quantity..meaning..don't overtrain!

best advice u can ever give someone!!!....and everyone is guilty of not doing it. We always seem to think that were not training enough, so whats the first thing we do....add more sets.

this was by far the most valuable piece of information ive ever learnt
hmlacrosse said:
hey who is that in your avatar

look good man, like the lighting

Damn bro thats the legend in his avatar Franco Columbo.

Not bad musclehouse but comin in at 193 why would you want to lose weight. I cant tell you how good it feels to walk around at 270 and solid keep bulking man.
Dude, you are pretty big for only lifting 4 months. I wish I had good gentics...I have Barney Fife genetics.