Natty planning first peptide cycle of IGF-1L3, CJC-1295 w/o DAC & Ipamorelin


Natty's first peptide cycle LOG - IGF-1 LR3, CJC-1295 w/o DAC & Ipamorelin

I've been doing extensive research on peptides and decided to give it a go. I'm still a natty and not planning on getting on getting on the real stuff just yet.

Started on November 1. Will update after a week.

Wk 1-6 50 mcg ed IGF-1 LR3 post-workout IM bi-laterally or sub-q
Wk 1-12 1000 mcg CJC-1295 w/o DAC once a week
Wk 1-12 100 mcg 2-3x ed Ipamorelin (after waking up, post-workout and before sleep. may do a 4th shot on some days)

I will also be using intermittent fasting (and have been for 2.4 years) to create a good environment for HGH production. MT II will also be used, but that's irrelevant. IGF-1 may be extended depending on how I feel on it (10-20 more days on 50-100 mcg)

Whatever I do, I'll keep a very detailed log. I believe it could offer a lot of value given I'm a natty and not on any other substances nor have been in the past. If there are any noticeable effects I will provide pictures, measurements, max lifts (before & after) etc.

23 y/o
Cut down from 202 lbs, currently at 185 lbs around 7-8% bf

1. Fat loss and muscle preservation
2. Improved recovery and healing. Ability to train more often and therefore gain strength.
3. Hyperplasia and possible muscle gain, especially in the recomp phase.

Cutting at 2500 cals. Will recomp once desired leanness is achieved.
70-80g fat, 200-300g carbs, 200-230g protein. Occasional no-carb off days (carb cycling) or higher carb refeed days. 1-2 meals a day. (Intermittent) fasting for 16-20 hours daily. Fasted training. If you are not familiar with IF, don't shoot it down

Workout routine
Mostly compounds lifts plus some isolations at the end of the workout
Hitting everything every 4-6 days
Going heavy!!!
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Intermittent fasting sucks.
Sure it can help you lose weight but fuck that I don't like feeling tired and shitty for 18 hours at a time.

I do not recommend using IGF with intermittent fasting. IGF will make you feel hypo which is a bad idea if you fast.
Starting the log on the 1st or 2nd November. Decided to start pinning IGF IM bi-laterally instead of sub-q.

EDIT: Will put pics back when I'm done.
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It looks good other then i would extend the cjc and Ipam to more like 4-6months 3 should give some effect still while trimming up. you could also use CJC1293 and pin it at same dose and same time as the ipam, alot seem to like this. but i love both the CJC1295 and cjc1293.

I also rec CARB CYCLING for fat loss (along with slightly lower cals then norm of course)
basically 2dayslower carb 3days med carb and 1-2 days high carb (cheat days if you will) and repeat.
I dont like low carb or fasting type things. but to each his own.

your peptide cycle set up looks good regardless so your GTG in my op.
Thanks porkchop.

It's been 4 days. I've been pinning IPA up to 5x a day to kick things off.

Effects so far:
- Better sleep
- Skin heals pretty fast. Had some acne and red marks and they are clearing up faster than before.
- Pumps seem to last longer and stay rock hard. I can't tell if it's just the IGF-1 LR3 injection sites or all around my body. I feel rock hard.
- Mood and focus are great. Mentally very clear.

These could all be placebo since it's so early into the cycle.
dude, not to rain of your parade but theres no way things are happening this fast. its placebo effect.

im sory but ive been using this stuff for a year and half and it doesnt work this way. to make a few changes that will help you

the lr3 should be used the following day after workouts. by using lr3 post wo you stop natty mgf production. which creates stem sites. you need that to happen to really make lr3 effective. it works on the 2nd stage of the hyperplasma growth. turning the stem site into a new cell.

when you stop working out mgf is the first igf that occurs. so you want this to happen, you really dont have to wait til the next day but at least a few hrs. Than when you use igf lr3 it takes all those new stem sites grows them into new cells. im not doing the best job of explaining this process but you can get an idea of what really takes place. so if you work out in the am us it 5 hrs later, but if you workout at 5pm you dont want to use it midnight and than need to feed your body a steady flow of carbs all night.

next, the cjc 1295, that dose will help you, but to really be leaking gh all day your doing to need more. and also run it another month at least. really 5 months. if you talk to any guy who really knows gh they will say if you cant stay on 6-9 months its not worth it. so try for 2000-25000mcg a wk for 4-5 months.

ipam is the best ghrp IMO. it gives a solid boost and holds for 5x longer than ghrp2/6. ghrp2/6 will give way way higher numbers but it doesnt matter when they come and go in 5-8 min, unless you can use it 5-6x ED. 100mcg is kinda weak, also not using a short acting ghrh even makes your getting a weaker pulse.

get some 1293 or mod grf and up the dose to at least 200mcg for those 3x ED.

i dont mean to be a dick here, just telling you the facts. peptides are $$$ to use properly (well to give gh type gains)
Day 10.

gymrat827 I can't up the dosages yet as it would be too expensive to run that long. I'll pin IGF-1 LR3 3-5 hrs post workout. Thanks for the suggestions.

Anyway, I do notice that I can get away with a rather large calorie deficit without losing any strength or LBM. My cut is going great so far. I'm looking my leanest. I have actually not lost any strength this cut and it has even gone up. I'm not going to attribute this to peptides though, as gymrat said it's probably placebo.

Something that is worrying me is that I eat my post-wo meal at 2 or 3 PM and start my fasting window which lasts until the next day when I train fasted in the morning. I think I may be going hypo before I'm going to sleep. I cannot get warm. Yesterday I was considering sleeping with the gloves on lol... My body temp was below 95 F. I stay that way until I eat my meal. After that I usually get hot even when others are cold. Plus I have uncontrollable thirst. I feel like my body is unable to retain water. I drank nearly 3 gallons yesterday. 1 in at the gym alone. Not sure if it has anything to do with it. Could these symptoms be caused by IGF-1 & fasting combined? Some other possible symptoms: I have been reported to scream a lot when I sleep lol and I get really dizzy several times a day.

I'm also thinking about doubling my IGF-1 LR3 dose (100mcg ED). I'd like to hear your thoughts on my problem before I do that though as I'm not looking to pass out or get a seizure. Maybe it's nothing.

Lastly, I'm considering doing one IGF-1 shot before breaking my fast (fasted) to verify it's the real stuff. I should go hypo really fast.
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