Natural me, not sure what to do next.



Hey Ology,
I will try to make this short and sweet.
So im stuck at a crossroad and I really dont know what to do. I guess I will start with a background.

Im turning 23 soon, weigh 210. 3 monthes ago when I was 200 lbs i was measured with calips and i was at 13% BF. I have been training on and off really my whole life. my dad is an ex bodybuilder and I spent a ton of time with him in the gym just teaching me stuff. Anywaise, I have always been a bigger guy. by 6th grade i was at 200 and finally by the time I got into HS I was up to 230 lbs and was just plain fat. Thats when I really started paying attention to what I was eating. over the next 7 or so years to the present I have messed with every kind of diet/life style change to try to find out what works best for me. low carb high fat and high protein, high carb high protein, low fat, everything. I have found that what worked best for keeping my BF down was real high protein, real high fat (comming almost 100% from nuts, eggs and avacado) and lower carbs. like a 40/40/20 ratio.

That being said, for the past year i finally managed to get down to 195 at roughly 11% BF but I still looked fat. at this point I said fuck it and bulked 2 times in a 1 year period.

Let me emphasis that it was a SUPER clean bulk. Basicly lots of chicken, steak, veggies, nuts, beans. no garbage. I MAYBE had I cheat meal a month. thats it.

here is where the problem came in. Durring bulking if I went over 3000 cals a day I would start to get fat.

this is how I know it was fat. After 2 months of lifting decent weight for legs (800+lb leg press in the 7 rep zone for 3 sets) none of my jeans even came close to fitting my thighs. Like breaking seams tight. Now theres no way I could have put on that many inches of muscle naturally in 2 months. So it had to be fat.

this is the basic predicament im in. now I know 3k cals isnt shit. If I was in the 4500plus zone I think I would end up obeise. durring these times I was training 5 days a week, getting tons of rest and my nutrition was amazing. carbs at all the right times. high protein, everything was on point.

So at this point I dont know what to do. I REALLY want to do a test cycle but I also want to be leaner first.

What do you guys think. anyone ever had a similar problem? any advice? I dont know if I should keep trying to cut or just run a cycle. heres a pic so you know what your working with.




Sorry, I Have no full size mirrors in my house so no leg shots. I tried doing it myself but after 25+tries on the camera phone I gave up...
What do you believe your body fat is at now because you are FAR from 11-13% body fat. I would recommend that you keep on cutting til you can easily see your upper 4 abs and then give something a shot. You've got a long way to go before you run any gear my man.
What do you believe your body fat is at now because you are FAR from 11-13% body fat. I would recommend that you keep on cutting til you can easily see your upper 4 abs and then give something a shot. You've got a long way to go before you run any gear my man.

I really dont know. When my MMA coach took my measurments I thought i was ATLEAST at 15+% (again that was 10lbs ago) When He told me 13% i was shocked.

Im Definatly willing to wait on the gear. I just want to have a solid plan to work towards in the gym. I know the game isnt about "ok as soon as you see them abs start needle jabbing" but I need somthing to shoot for. It gets my mind right.

Thanks for the comments!
It might help if you laid out your eating plan. How does a daily meal plan look for you? Also are you doing any cardio at this time? What is your training style like?
A symptom of low testosterone levels is a tendency to easily gain fat and a difficulty gaining muscle. Get bloodwork done because you might be a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) candidate. This is just a wild guess though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. If you do experience other symptoms of low test: low energy, low sex-drive, depression, etc... there's a possibility that I'm right. Good luck
It might help if you laid out your eating plan. How does a daily meal plan look for you? Also are you doing any cardio at this time? What is your training style like?

4 day split training routine.

a typical days meal looks like

4 eggs, turkey sausage, spinach, ezekial bread and milk.

Chicken breast and broccoli and some kind of fat like avacado or nuts.

pre WO steak or chicken and baked potato plain.

PWO shake is surge.

PWO meal is usually around 6:30 ish so no carbs. either chicken, tuna, steak ect.

There is usually 2 protein shakes in here somewhere depending on what im doing, how i feel ect.

also when I get hungry I snack on almonds a lot. unsalted of course.

A symptom of low testosterone levels is a tendency to easily gain fat and a difficulty gaining muscle. Get bloodwork done because you might be a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) candidate. This is just a wild guess though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. If you do experience other symptoms of low test: low energy, low sex-drive, depression, etc... there's a possibility that I'm right. Good luck

Its funny you bring this up. My dad has testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and I guess it runs in our family. I have a smokin fiancee and if I get laid once a week im a happy man. Im also tired ALL the time. I dont care if I get 14 hours of sleep or 4 im a zombie all the time.

Heres the thing, Im not saying Im huge by no means but do you think I could have the type of muscle I have at the age of 23 with low test? again im not saying im huge or anything but I have friends that work out twice as much as me and take a bunch of the OTC pro hormones and dont have the muscle mass i do. how can I have the muscle I do with low test count?

I guess the next step should be getting some blood work done but if I do need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosnt that fuck things up because the doc will want to do blood test like once a month and he will know if I start taking too much test (Run a cycle). that kind of kills any future plans of running cycles.


thanks again everyone.
Go to your doctor, tell him your symptoms, tell him your dad's on trt/it runs in the family, and tell him you want your test levels checked. If you do get put on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), you'll only get frequent blood tests in the beginning while your dosage is determined. After that, the doctor will just prescribe more test or androgel.

Even if you have low test its possible that you made good gains if your training and diet were good, but obviously those gains would have been slower and harder to attain than if you test levels were normal.

Good luck man, keep us updated on what your doc tells you.
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I will cut but I don't want to use var. I don't want my first cycle to be a cutting cycle. Agree? Thanks guys.
Guys, I got banned for spam and this is the only thread I have ever posted in...

Perhaps the Ban season.

i got banned from OLM it's an other board.

it was wrote : "for followed reason : beeing a fucking head!" ban till : never...

it happen sometimes.

one tomush word and... paw!
Perhaps the Ban season.

i got banned from OLM it's an other board.

it was wrote : "for followed reason : beeing a fucking head!" ban till : never...

it happen sometimes.

one tomush word and... paw!

Well that sucks. I was really looking forward to getting advice from the guys here on my future cycles. I'm sure this name will get banned to if the last one did...
Well that sucks. I was really looking forward to getting advice from the guys here on my future cycles. I'm sure this name will get banned to if the last one did...

certainly. it depend if it's a perma ban or just or assorted with a banned time period. 1 hours to one week. it vary.
certainly. it depend if it's a perma ban or just or assorted with a banned time period. 1 hours to one week. it vary.

"Ban lifted; never"

Anywaise, HCG is on its way along with some pins from the beast. I'm going to give this protocol a try like pirate suggested.if I don't get banned again ill post a log for the HCG and 500cal diet.
Perhaps the Ban season.

i got banned from OLM it's an other board.

it was wrote : "for followed reason : beeing a fucking head!" ban till : never...

it happen sometimes.

one tomush word and... paw!

OLM banned Kane for being a fuck head? WTF? bunch of cocksuckers
bro....lose 20lbs of fat mass and ull be alright.

I dont think u have low T or anything cuz you have a decent frame....a bit of thickkness in some places. Your arms dont match the rest of you though, you just tend to hold fat around the lower abs.

If i were you, i'd hit the gear.....but that might just be me. All im saying, i can definatley see a nice 12 week, basic cycle doing wonders for you.

if not, take pirate guys advice.....low calorie, psmf/velocity type diet to get that shit off of you. This can be done without anavar....but i think anavar would be a great idea.

u have lots of, if ur into that kind of thing. Most of my advice opposes most advice from ppl more knowlegable than myself.....but i dont like to fuk around much.
bro....lose 20lbs of fat mass and ull be alright.

I dont think u have low T or anything cuz you have a decent frame....a bit of thickkness in some places. Your arms dont match the rest of you though, you just tend to hold fat around the lower abs.

If i were you, i'd hit the gear.....but that might just be me. All im saying, i can definatley see a nice 12 week, basic cycle doing wonders for you.

if not, take pirate guys advice.....low calorie, psmf/velocity type diet to get that shit off of you. This can be done without anavar....but i think anavar would be a great idea.

u have lots of, if ur into that kind of thing. Most of my advice opposes most advice from ppl more knowlegable than myself.....but i dont like to fuk around much.

Thanks for the advice Bro. You are completly right about my abs. when I diet down to 195ish I got REAL vainy on my upper body like i have low BF and I get REAL I mean fucking REAL bad hollow face. But i have this flab around my stomach. Its get really really frustrating.

What do you mean my arms dont match the rest of me? Just curious what to take out of that...

Ive already started to takes pirates advice. I have the HCG on order, pins, everything. Im actually 2 weeks into a clen run. tomarrows my last day before my 2 weeks off. Im stupid though and didnt get any T3 to run with it. What I will do is start the HCG protocol/500 cals as soon as im done with my second ON week of Clen. after a month Of HCG I should be ready.

Again, I REALLY dont want my first cycle to be a cut cycle so im going to do everything I have to do to get this flab off my stomach.

Im going on vacation last week of october and there WILL be heavy black out drinking madness. So what im going to do is get this fat off. stay lean this summer and stock up on all the gear I need then the first or second week of november do my first cycle of test.

Any and all comments are welcomed. I really do take heed to every word/ bit of advice that is given. Thanks again Bros!
500 cal a day cut is pretty harsh and a real short term way of attacking things.

You are definitely beyond 13% but you have a good base.

Find out your calorie maintenance per day and just cut down from that. Somewhere around 1000-1400 cals a day give or take. Heavy cardio 6 days a week and high rep workouts.

Its all preference really. 500 cals a day will work and be faster it just all depends on if you want to burn yourself out. I know for a fact I couldn't function on that low of intake a day.

Good luck and keep us updated.
500 cal a day cut is pretty harsh and a real short term way of attacking things.

You are definitely beyond 13% but you have a good base.

Find out your calorie maintenance per day and just cut down from that. Somewhere around 1000-1400 cals a day give or take. Heavy cardio 6 days a week and high rep workouts.

Its all preference really. 500 cals a day will work and be faster it just all depends on if you want to burn yourself out. I know for a fact I couldn't function on that low of intake a day.

Good luck and keep us updated.

I posted this up in another thread but What im going to do is run ECA when I do the cut. When im on ECA as soon as I get around the 800 Cal mark for the day I get real sick like i have over eaten. So i dont think i will feel that bad on 500 cals because since I feel great on 800 when on ECA. The only effect I could see on 800 cals is I get a little weaker. besides that everything like energy are great.

Im just waiting on a responce in the diet forum as to if anyone knows if the HCG protocol and ECA are ok/safe (relativly speaking) to do.

Again, When I do this ill keep a log so everyone can check out how it goes.

Thanks again Bros.:beertoast