natural pls critique


New member
I've done my homework and am 100% natural doing my first show April 1st. My diet is very good its my number 1 thing. I've overtrained this whole time going to do dcs routine soon as i bulk im at like 180 in these pics and still cutting. Pls critique my physique and let me know what you think and for those that ask my legs r big they are near 26 inches and will get pics up soon as i can get someone to take a picture i do full squats so it pays off lol. Also for my lifting experience going on 1 yr here soon. also im near 6'1 or 6'0
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first thing that pops out of you delts and abs, Id work on your bis though. Try to get some more poses up
I agree 1 more year of heavy lifting and eating and you will be good to start competitions. I think you are no were nere that level right now even if it is am low level show. You need to put on more weight. You are young whats the hurry to compete for?