Hi folks, so I'm throwing this out there on this forum as I find the most knowledgeable people are usually in here....

I'm presently running about 650mg a week of test E and threw what I was told was D-Bol and by knowing my body quite well I think is actually A-Bombs or Anadrol for anyone not familiar with the A-Bomb reference..It is packaged as Dianobol only 10mg, and from a new source found in Canada especially around the Montreal area I'm told. I am presently running as usual D-Bol at about 50mg a day when I do use it for a strength boost for Highland Games Heavy Events training. This test450mg is the one I have mentioned previously in other posts you may or may not have seen. I'm presently at about 240lbs. 6' tall and still have upper abs as I figure that is not bad considering I'm 50 years old and been in the gym for about 30 years. I'm not a huge eater but do manage to get the extras I need through Shakes or protein bars etc.... I am an ephedrine user now for years along with caffeine as my pre-workout, and obviously on higher amounts as my receptors got clogged up from the Eph. so I run a verterinary clen pump and drop the ephedrine and caffeine during that time. I have had nausea from what I thought was the ephedrine in the past but lately even when lowering the amount I use for effect I'm still getting nausea during training,and puked in the gym the other night after a medium to heavy workout. I just dropped the oral a few days back, whether it was actually D-Bol or Anadrol, to see if this was the culprit. Just waiting for it to clear my system to make sure it's the questionable D-Bol and not something else causing the upset stomach. Again, last night I had a decent but not crazy back workout and came very close to throwing up again. Nothing in my diet has changed, other than a slight increase of protein, but pretty sure that's not the culprit anyway. Also, I'm at the point where breaks dont seem to change my tolerance to ephedrine anymore and I prefer it to the feeling of clenbuterol, which is all good but a different feeling and not a pre-workout. I'm presently looking for my Doctor to send me for bloodwork and looking for Brochaid in the meantime as it would be less of a filler with the higher amount of ephedrine as an ingredient might help. Just a note, the test amount I'm running isnt out of my normal range so I dont think it's the cause but I honestly dont know. Never really dealt with the nausea like this. Longer rest periods as a heavy trainer may help as well. Looking for anyone's thoughts on this please. Thanks.