Nebido TRT; adding Test E.


New member
To cut a long story short I have been diagnosed with low test, my levels are 5.8 and I have been put on Nebido TRT. I had my booster injection last week and I'm still feeling like crap Basically I feel like shit and I no longer want to and I want to start feeling better sooner rather than later and don't want to wait the 6-12 months it takes for Nebido to kick in before I start feeling better.

I am thinking about self medicating alongside my TRT which has been prescribed to me. I've been doing a lot of reading and originally was thinking of adding in 150mg of Test E a week but from reading everything it wouldn't be worthwhile unless I'm going to go to 300mg of Test E. My plan is to run this for a period until I have a few more injections of Nebido and then my levels becoming normal or better than what they are now.

A few questions, with my very low levels of test, being on Nebido and adding this in would my blood tests end up showing my test being off of the charts? Would there be any benefits to doing this? My reasoning between going from 150mg to 300mg is for the sides and what not that I'm going to get to the benefits ratio seem better. I don't want to use it as a cycle as I've never done a cycle in my life but if I'm doing it anyway I want to get as much bang for my buck you know?

Anyone had experience in what I'm describing?


If your doc is monitoring your bloodwork he will know your supplementing and/or he will think your dose of Nebido is too high and he will put you in a lower dose and you'll be screwed either way.

When is your next blood test?

I'd forget about test e and 300 is way too much. If you do want to feel better quickly you could try test prop at 50mg 3x/wk and that should rid you of symptoms of low t. It will be out of your system quicker too so that you can test at your true Nebido level come bloodwork.
I'd forget about test e and 300 is way too much. If you do want to feel better quickly you could try test prop at 50mg 3x/wk and that should rid you of symptoms of low t. It will be out of your system quicker too so that you can test at your true Nebido level come bloodwork.

this is exactly what i was going to suggest as well. run test prop , then drop it a week or two before your blood test. Test e will be in your system way to long and your doc will see elevated levels

Or you can just say F your doc and self prescribe anyways and do your own blood work. most docs are a hindrance and pain in the ass to deal with , imo.
Or go with a low T clinic that knows what their doing and will have you injecting 200mg+ of test c a week
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If your doc is monitoring your bloodwork he will know your supplementing and/or he will think your dose of Nebido is too high and he will put you in a lower dose and you'll be screwed either way.

When is your next blood test?

I'd forget about test e and 300 is way too much. If you do want to feel better quickly you could try test prop at 50mg 3x/wk and that should rid you of symptoms of low t. It will be out of your system quicker too so that you can test at your true Nebido level come bloodwork.
Thank you very much for your reply. I don't actually have a date for blood work. I'm from the UK and I don't know if it's just my doctor but it was all a bit how can I describe it... unprofessional. Once I got diagnosed with low TRT I was not referred I just had a doctors appointment, I'm not even kidding when I saw I was in there for a maximum of 3-4 mins before coming out having been prescribed TRT. I had my first jab, no mention of bloods and my second jab again there have been no mention of bloods at all by the nurse or the doctor, the only thing the doctor did say to me is he goes by how you feel. I literally came away knowing nothing so have been researching and researching pretty much non stop. I had to argue and fight to get my booster jab and even printed off the info from the Nebido site to show him I needed one and he reluctantly accepted.

Ok that's a fair one about the test prop and not a bad idea, I'll be honest the reason I thought about the test E was so I could do 2 jabs a week but I guess 3 isn't bad. Sadly it would be from a UGL as it would be down the self medicate route I know I can get test e for certain though. I just feel a bit left out to dry by my doctors and stuff but if I am going to go down the self medicate route then I don't really want to rock the boat by asking about bloods etc.

If your doc is monitoring your bloodwork he will know your supplementing and/or he will think your dose of Nebido is too high and he will put you in a lower dose and you'll be screwed either way.

When is your next blood test?

I'd forget about test e and 300 is way too much. If you do want to feel better quickly you could try test prop at 50mg 3x/wk and that should rid you of symptoms of low t. It will be out of your system quicker too so that you can test at your true Nebido level come bloodwork.
Not sure what happened I wrote out a long reply and it's not appearing.
sorry to hear your havign issues but atleast your doc is even budging on things. i would say try give it more time and ask for blood work 4 weeks from now then 2 months after that, while taking this protocal. and if the levels are going in right direction you keep with it, if too high then lower a bit. thing you need to understand is it can take many many months evena year to work out YOUR best trt. you have to be patient. but keep on on your doc and also maybe look into other docs in your area and maybe meet with them to see if they seem to know anything. thing is i know a few from UK and some of the docs are pretty bad in this area, iv hard some scary stories. im surprised he even gave you a booster.
sorry to hear your havign issues but atleast your doc is even budging on things. i would say try give it more time and ask for blood work 4 weeks from now then 2 months after that, while taking this protocal. and if the levels are going in right direction you keep with it, if too high then lower a bit. thing you need to understand is it can take many many months evena year to work out YOUR best trt. you have to be patient. but keep on on your doc and also maybe look into other docs in your area and maybe meet with them to see if they seem to know anything. thing is i know a few from UK and some of the docs are pretty bad in this area, iv hard some scary stories. im surprised he even gave you a booster.

Thank you mate, I will ask for it and see what happens. Like you said I've seen so many horror stories about TRT in the UK, I read a few stories about people taking 2-3 years to get on something so at least I'm part of the way there but yea' I did have to fight and argue to get the booster jab which is annoying but at least my doctor caved, after talking to him over and over about it he simply said "Are you feeling any better?" I said no and he said ok I can have the booster jab. I've had a look for private doctors and sadly I found one but it would be £500 + blood test costs which I can't afford sadly :(

Thanks mate.