The Conquistador
Ology's Golden Boy
hey, I am a hardgainer weighing 172lbs, 5'9, 21 years old. I'm looking for a good bulking diet to pack on size, but can't seem to find one. I am used to eating.. eggs in morning(1 whole,5 whites) and 2 metr-x shakes through the day , and would like to incorporate those into a diet but I need a good diet that I can go from. anybody have any advice because no matter what I do I cant seem to put on size, and ive been trying for 8 months now seriously. Everything I put in either gets burned right up, or turns into fat. PLEASE HELP A BRO OUT! lol P.s. (working out 4 times a week for 1 hour each, heavy as I can go for 8 reps, if that helps at all)