need a next cycle suggestion for Pl please help


New member
Currently 22. Powerlifting 215lbs, 525 squat, 355 bench, 565 deadlift. Following a sheiko cycle now 29, 37, 37, 32 for my second meet hopefully next year early. First meet I was 250 but I wanted to drop bf for overall health. I've done 3 cycles helladrol and oral test. I did a cycle about 3 months back od super dmz and oral test because I was told it was the next step. I absolutely hated it. Got test flu and 4 weeks on the cycle was not enough to see any substantial gains. Need help deciding on my next cycle. Goal is obviously strength gain and maintain a low bf. I eat in a leangains bulking style protocol. Any ideas?
what is your height??

what are your macros and totals?

so you have never done an injectable steroid.. youre a little young for them..

have you been running pct with your oral cycles?
I'm 6ft 2

Macros Training days: 3500cal 60fat 300+ pro, 400+carb
Rest days: 2400cal 80+ fat, 300 pro, 150 carb

Yes always pct with no exception. Most important part imo
I'm 6ft 2

Macros Training days: 3500cal 60fat 300+ pro, 400+carb
Rest days: 2400cal 80+ fat, 300 pro, 150 carb

Yes always pct with no exception. Most important part imo

youre powerlifting.. raise your rest day caloric intake by 400 caloires.. use fats..

im not an expert on orals... and with you being as young as you are i dont recommend injectables or oral steroids that are not phs

i am a powerlifter by blood though.. and if you want your lifts to move up the first thing you need to worry about is your diet..
yea... a bit contradicting in goals right??? lol...

i understand..

have you tried a carb cycling approach?? that might work better
I just don't wanna be a cow. I'm of the opinion that u are a more efficient powerlifter the leaner u are. My routine involves the carb cycle. Any ideas on pH that would assist my goals?