TEST DATE 11-05-2016 Your Value Standard Range
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL 279 ng/dL 250 - 1100 ng/dL
TotalTestosterone LCMSMS
TESTOSTERONE FREE 58.3 pg/mL 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL
TEST DATE 9-17-2016 Your Value Standard Range
Hi All
I need some advice. I'm 48 and just had my test levels tested. I've always thought they were low. I did some anabolics in the 90's and probably didn't do proper PCT or OCT, so I always wonered if I might have done damage to my levels. So I finally
asked my Dr to test my levels and they were low. I had 2 blood tests done and the 1st was 207 and the 2nd was 279. My Dr said the 1st was low but the 2nd was in the normal range. My Dr told me I need 2 tests in the low range to consider testosterone replacement. Honestly I was really looking forward to starting HRT. I've had a lot of the Low T symptoms.
His response after the 2nd test was: "Nothing to worry about on your labs they are stable or normal, see you at your next
My questions are:...
1. Does anyone think those are normal test levels at all?
2. Should I get a new Dr?
Thanks in advance!
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL 279 ng/dL 250 - 1100 ng/dL
TotalTestosterone LCMSMS
TESTOSTERONE FREE 58.3 pg/mL 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL
TEST DATE 9-17-2016 Your Value Standard Range
Hi All
I need some advice. I'm 48 and just had my test levels tested. I've always thought they were low. I did some anabolics in the 90's and probably didn't do proper PCT or OCT, so I always wonered if I might have done damage to my levels. So I finally
asked my Dr to test my levels and they were low. I had 2 blood tests done and the 1st was 207 and the 2nd was 279. My Dr said the 1st was low but the 2nd was in the normal range. My Dr told me I need 2 tests in the low range to consider testosterone replacement. Honestly I was really looking forward to starting HRT. I've had a lot of the Low T symptoms.
His response after the 2nd test was: "Nothing to worry about on your labs they are stable or normal, see you at your next
My questions are:...
1. Does anyone think those are normal test levels at all?
2. Should I get a new Dr?
Thanks in advance!