Need advice from you pros.


New member
I'm 32.

About 6 months ago I got my testosterone blood levels checked.

It came in about 300.

So my friend who runs a hormone replacement clinic recommneded to do 250mg a week of test enthanate as a TRT.

I have been doing that for about 2 months, and I can tell that I'm shut down. I definitely have testicular shrinkage.

After reading online, I see that 250mg is way to high for TRT. I have no idea why he recommends that much.

I've done a few cycles before no problem in the past with good PCT.

This time I just wanted to get on TRT.

I have just started getting back into working out the past few weeks and have gotten back into my routine and would like to keep working out with high levels of test. It would suck to have really only lifted for 3 weeks of elevated test.

Do you guys recommend just stopping, starting PCT to recover and get back on a better trt dose in a few months (with an obviously better trt doctor)?

Can I start HCG to kickstart my testes back and lower my dose to a normal range? If I can I would love to go that route.

I have heard of people who do long cycles who use hcg mid cycle to jump start.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you want to stay on trt, simply lower your dose. If your trying to recover, then a good pct will be needed. People on trt will "cycle" hcg. Keeps balls from shrinking and gives better odds of having good swimmers. Get bloodwork done to see where your at.
pct to get back to a natty 300 level at your age?

i dk man, get your blood work done and figure out what is "too high" (total test? free test? hematocrit?)

then ask your doc to write you for what will put you at the levels you think you want (?)

pct to be at a 300 natty level or to go on trt just seems kind of pointless to me, others may chime in here..

edit: you beat me to it tbone
standard trt protocol is 100-125 maybe 150 per week depending on an individual basis.

300 means nothing w-o the range given for your lab-mine is 220-1100 with under 220 meaning you can t maintain bone mass.

My 125-150 a weeks keep s me at 850 plus or just right. When I cycle I do trt x 2 or 3 and throw in short esters for my higher dosed aas so any sides can easily countered or the short esters allowed to run out. I DO, do hcg but only 3 4 time s a year when testicles start to shrivel. I ll crack a 5000 iu bottle and do 125-250 x 2 or 3 a week till either they are full or the hcg runs out. HCG drives estro albeit not a lot so there s that to factor in your countermeasures.

If your gonna cruise heavy...trt x 2, 3 , 4 or blast ( cycle) do it right at 500 of test e c or s if you want....what was your q and is your goal ?

TRT is for life and I fkn love it
standard trt protocol is 100-125 maybe 150 per week depending on an individual basis.

300 means nothing w-o the range given for your lab-mine is 220-1100 with under 220 meaning you can t maintain bone mass.

My 125-150 a weeks keep s me at 850 plus or just right. When I cycle I do trt x 2 or 3 and throw in short esters for my higher dosed aas so any sides can easily countered or the short esters allowed to run out. I DO, do hcg but only 3 4 time s a year when testicles start to shrivel. I ll crack a 5000 iu bottle and do 125-250 x 2 or 3 a week till either they are full or the hcg runs out. HCG drives estro albeit not a lot so there s that to factor in your countermeasures.

If your gonna cruise heavy...trt x 2, 3 , 4 or blast ( cycle) do it right at 500 of test e c or s if you want....what was your q and is your goal ?

TRT is for life and I fkn love it

t.. you doing biweekly injections or once a week?