Need Advice NOW!!!


New member
ok im just now ending my first cycle ever...this is what it was....

weeks 1 - 5 1cc of T200
6-9 2cc's of T200 with some Sustanon (sust) and dbol (very little bit of dbol) mixed in.

I have run into a good brand name of T200 is 10cc's for $100 which is a pretty good price for my area...Think it would hurt anything to just run that for 5 more weeks at 2cc's a week? for 400mgs a week?

Reminder this is my first cycle...ive made some great genetics are great and have responded very well. I dont have any clomid on me trying to get some and this is another reason why im thinking of just adding 10more cc's of T2 to round me off. I can have some clomid by that time.....Im 20 years old, 6ft ,241 lbs and 14% bf trying to come in hard for the summer....clean diet....thats about anything i can think of that would help this post?

Plz help .....k thx!!!!!
first.. next time get all your stuff together in the first place before you shoot..

now that you have to make the choice between quitting cold turkey with no therapy or extending the cycle a bit longer with test at 400mg a week.. i would definately go with the test and get some clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and do it right.. keep your gains and dont forget the post cycle meds next time
Judo Tom said:
first.. next time get all your stuff together in the first place before you shoot..

now that you have to make the choice between quitting cold turkey with no therapy or extending the cycle a bit longer with test at 400mg a week.. i would definately go with the test and get some clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and do it right.. keep your gains and dont forget the post cycle meds next time

Agreed! You should always have all the necessities before you begin your cycle. Go with the Test & definitely get your post cycle gear.
should have all your shit first bro. so you dont run into problems such as this.

i would run the test for another 5 weeks then start my clomid therapy
Why don't you just continue your cycle for another week or two, you gotta be able to get some Clomid by then.

You don't have to use the whole 10 mls...., it's not gonna go bad...., and I imagine you're going to do another cycle in the not too distant future, right?
I was trying to think of something else to add here but the others pretty much summed it up. Maybe this will make things easier...Research Kits sponsors this board.

You can get your clomid, liquidex, pins, etc..from them. Great service too!
ok cool guys, i know i deserve the bitch slap for not having post stuff in line. Im adding 400mgs of T2 for next 5 weeks. Then get my shit.

And about ordering from this site, (pussy i am) it is PERFECTLY legal and al that right?

Thanks for help guys.

PS for stone cold = yeah i plan on taking a while off, im gonna lean down for summer (i live close to the coast for beach season). Then start up another one..this is what im thinking bout running so far.

10 weeks
very basic for 2nd cycle
weeks 1-10 - 2cc's of T200mg's per week (400mgs a week)
like every 3 days or so.
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