Need Advice on Dianabol(Methanedienone) on urgent basis


New member
Weight-70 kgs


I am absolutely new to steroids. Though I have been training for 5 years but I was on proteins and amino. But now I want to switch to steroids for some results. Since I am a beginner, I am planning to take 10 mg per day for 7 weeks. Just wanted to know only one thing....please please let me know what might be possible side effects with this much of dose. I am really apprehensive because I am really afraid after reading side effects of dianabol. Please help me out. I request everyone. Please let me know what kinda side effects are possible if i take 10mg/day for 7 weeks.
Ur very light to use AAS , sir. And oral only cycle s are not good. Granted 10 mg s of d bol is probably safer than tylenol but remeber you cannot take a little steroids and not expect your natural test to turn OFF.

People think 200 mg s will not shut them down anymore than 1000 a week. It s not like adjusting your bath water with a little warm and little cold to be just right. You either run hot water ( on) or cold water (off).period.

10 mg s is like an anti depressant dose...

U need food bro

But your the stickies but as a summation-if you insist on gearing up at 5 11 154 ( silly) do some injectable test 300-500 a week. If u can t inject or be injected roids are not for you....injecting s like fucking a fat chick, it ain t fun but you can used to anything in a pinch buddy...for the end result.

Remember just running AAS is 1/3 of the game w augmenting your ll need an

What are those-homewrok-do it and I ll help..don t and good luck...danger s..limp dick, bitch tit s, small nut s etc-it s ugly.

...and lot s of food sir.

I am not trying to crush you but enlighten you OK ?
10 mg s d bol is pointless i m o
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OP, do NOT run that... you will mess yourself up bad. you need INJECTABLE testosterone, read stickies on how to do it properly.
never run an oral only!!!!!!

and 10mg isn't even an effective dosage.. all youll do is shut down your natty test levels and see nothing for it!!
Teutonic.....Thanks a lot brother. Thanks a lot for your reply. May god bless you for such a wise and expert advice. Ok I will treat you as my elder brother. Brother, If i dont want to insist on steroids, what should i take to gain quality musles. I am talking about proteins and amino, dat kinda stuff. Please lemme know what combination should I take with protein to gain muscle size....please also tell me bout the diet chart that I shud follow.
do some research on proper bulking diet. make sure your training is on point as well. you can find a lot of this info in the diet and training forums on this site.
Eat a shit load of protein. have a shake after workouts. lift heavy ass weights. take glutamine and BCAA's as much as possible. take 5-10G creatine everyday. But mainly get your diet in check and keep it there and you WILL see progress.
food is the most anabolic thing

some supplement s are good, most I m o are overrated... 40 dollar s of protein cost them to 4 dollars to make..

U need to buy small, 6 time s a day..macro s, meat, and get with 3j..he s forgot more than I never know bout CAN DO short cut s dude.....
Hey.....please suggest me supplements to gain muscle size. Please dont advice any steroid. M taking ******* NON SPONSOR********** currently. Daily two.scoops aftr workout. Please advice as I want to gain muscle
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Hey.....please suggest me supplements to gain muscle size. Please dont advice any steroid. M taking Muscletech's Mass Tech currently. Daily two.scoops aftr workout. Please advice as I want to gain muscle

another rookie here, YOU WANT TO GET BIG, EAT LIKE A BEAST.