Need advice on third cycle! (Advanced)


New member
I have 30ml Test Prop, 20ml Mast Prop, 20ml Tren A, 20ml EQ(300mg/ml), Proviron, Clen, and T-Bol. I'm also running cjc 1295 w dac. My stats are 6'0" 198lbs 13%bf. I have been training for five years on and off. The last year I've stepped it into high gear, pun intented. I have done two previous AAS cycles, Test Prop/Winny twice, and one PH cycle of Halodrol. I'm looking for advice on dosages. I will buy more of a certain compound if necessary as well. Thanks.
I have 30ml Test Prop, 20ml Mast Prop, 20ml Tren A, 20ml EQ(300mg/ml), Proviron, Clen, and T-Bol. I'm also running cjc 1295 w dac. My stats are 6'0" 198lbs 13%bf. I have been training for five years on and off. The last year I've stepped it into high gear, pun intented. I have done two previous AAS cycles, Test Prop/Winny twice, and one PH cycle of Halodrol. I'm looking for advice on dosages. I will buy more of a certain compound if necessary as well. Thanks.

So you want to try adding 3 new compounds all at once?? My advice is to backup and try something more like test/Tren/tbol. You could add the mast towards the 4-6 week mark as a drying agent, but I'd save the EQ until next time. Besides it needs at least 16 weeks to truly shine.

I would drop the Clen, with proper diet Tren will be more than enough here.

Something like this:
Test prop 100mg EOD 10 weeks
Tren ace 100mg EOD 10 weeks (bump to 150 after you see how you react for a couple weeks)
Tbol 50mg daily 1-6 weeks
Mast prop (optional) 100mg EOD weeks 5-10