Need advice on TO DO PCT OR NOT TO DO!!

And then we have topics like that:

Look man, i tried legit pharma Torem, before i even touched testosterone. So, my test was normal back then. And when i got the terrible brainfog from torem, i decided to do my first cycle, because i couldnt function normally and couldnt do my job. And this shit has a long ass half live.

Why would you use a serm like torem before even using test? Sounds like your cycle history is questionable at best bud...
There are MEDICAL STUDIES, that women, who were given NOLVADEX for breast cancer, have had VERY high occurency of uterine cancer!

I am intrigued, can you post a link to at least one of these studies for me to read up on it? I am very interested in how these studies relate to men.
I am intrigued, can you post a link to at least one of these studies for me to read up on it? I am very interested in how these studies relate to men.

not sure how they would relate to men, but here is how it works in women. We also need to consider that breast cancer patients are often on SERMs for years. I wonder what impact, if any the estrogen like effect of SERM's could have on the prostate.

The breast cancer treatment tamoxifen (sometimes called by its brand name, Nolvadex) increases the risk of developing endometrial cancer, but not nearly enough to outweigh its benefits against breast cancer in most women. This risk occurs because of the way tamoxifen works: Even as it acts against the growth-promoting effects of the female hormone estrogen in breast tissue, it acts like an estrogen in other tissues, such as the bones and the uterus. This can be good news for the bones because estrogen helps preserve bone density, but it may slightly increase the risk of cancer in the uterus. According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of developing endometrial cancer from tamoxifen is about 1 in 500 ***8212; a small risk, but higher than that for women in the general population. Tamoxifen also slightly increases the risk of uterine sarcoma, a cancer that begins in the muscle of the uterine wall.