Need advice on where to go next!


New member
First of all i want to start by saying im 21 years old and have been lifting for 4 years, was anorexic at 16 at 6ft and 7 stone. I decided to train naturally for 3 years making myself up to 12.6 stone naturally with a low bf%. This was done through hard dieting and lean bulking. Now around 5 months ago i was introduced to AAS, i have been researching them along time, injectables vs orals, liver support, dosages, test etc and finally decided to give them ago under some friends advice. I started by taking Superdrol for a course of 4 weeks, this was what was mentioned on the bottle. I did the course and got nothing from it, running it at a reasonably high dose, no side effects, no massive gains so i came off it and PCT'd for 4 weeks on clomid. I then moved to Anavar, this was great, strength increased, dropped more bf and maintained my weight at 181 lbs, by the end of the 6 week cycle i was competition state shredded, it felt amazing. Again i PCT'd off with clomid and gave my body a break. NOW heres where it went bad, a friend recommended Trenavar to me, which is yet another prohormone, my experience with the first one 'sdrol' was terrible and i told him it was probably going to be bs, so i gave it a go....this f'cked me up, i had anxiety, headaches, couldnt go outside, constantly feeling dizzy etc and felt like shit. I came off and ive never felt the same since even when PCT'd off (i only went on Trenavar for 2 weeks maybe less) oh and i did know that this was meant to be trenbolone acetate in pill form. Now im on a small dose of Var, 20 mg's a day to stop catabolism as prepping for a comp, but im still feeling dizzy and tired all the time, shall i stop the AAS all together and revert to being fully natty or continue the Var. Peace guys, thanks for the advice.
Believe it or not i have researched for a while and i know about the uses of what i did heres a run down of exactly what i did:
Superdrol 4 weeks (cant remember what mg was taking as it was long ago, but took 2 pills per day as instructed on back of pill box)
This was followed by a PCT of Clomid 50/50/50

(I assumed this was a dud batch as i had no side effects and no massive increase in muscle mass, nothing i couldn't gain from natty training and dieting)

Anavar 8 week cycle at 60 mg's pd.
followed by PCT Clomid 50/50/50/50

Best cycle ever, didnt get shut down either due to the mild nature of Oxandrolone (Anavar) still managing to keep the mrs satisfied.

Trenavar (Couldn't handle the sidies) 2 weeks on 30mg's
PCT'd off for 4 weeks, 50/50/50/50

This converted to trenbolone acetate inside the body, or so it said... I do believe it did as i got all the normal sidies as from a tren cycle, night sweats, lethargy, night terrors etc, however felt alpha in the gym and my bf got really low.

2 months off any AAS, blood work was tested and came back fine.
Went back to Var as its a mild steroid and mainly to reverse catabolic effect so used at a low dosage of 30mg pd.

At the end of my cycle of trenavar i had a weird pressure in my head, however i had a lot going on in my life and it might have been stress induced or tension headaches, as i was lifting 6 times a week, sometimes even 7 (yes i do know i was over training). With all do respect i am not as nieve as i make out to be, i do know about test levels, cycling on and off, potentially shutting down my natural test, however i havnt had any issues so far and if i cycle correctly with a good PCT it shouldn't be an issue surely? Im not saying i know ALOT about AAS as i dont i have a basic knowledge, just if i was going to carry on what would be the best way to go?
go get some test e and run it for 12 weeks. This is a very common first cycle. Doesnt sound like you ran any ai look into some arimidex or aromasin to run along side but at least you get pct which is good. and stop running oral onyl cycles like Tbone would say oral only cycles are for chics lol
.. your bloodwork came fine u say? u sound like a guy on low T.., tren is really hard to recover from; I don'T know about trenavar.. are you 100% sure your bloodwork are fine now that you'Re off trenavar...?
Now around 5 months ago i was introduced to AAS, i have been researching them along time, injectables vs orals, liver support, dosages, test etc and finally decided to give them ago under some friends advice.

So after all this research you did in regards to oral vs injectibles, where you would have have learned that orals (AAS or PHs) are highly liver toxic and are harder on your system than injectables, that running an oral will shut down your own natural test production (at any dose) and needs to be supplemented with exogenous testosterone (injections). You decided do listen to a friend and run an oral only cycle (3 of them to be exact) WTF.

If you don't have a a Va J J, oral only no way way

Yoda gave you great links to start reading,..
Yeah i am off trenavar now, i did ask my doctor and got 2 blood tests and they came back normal which is weird. Surely my libido would be messed if i had low T?
I am going to go for an injectable cycle next, i went for orals because (and im not afraid to admit it) was afraid of doing that shit. But now ive grown up and done some research there the safer option and ill deffo hop off the orals.
Not trying to be hard on ya or bash ya for your decisions as most of us have been there in the beginning.
Alot of people will harp on the fact that you are too young. And you are but the decision is ultimately yours and I would rather see people steer you in the right direction rather than focus on the negative of the age thing since you have already embarked on the journey of AAS
Read the stickies and you should have a good isea of what a great first cycle will be. what AI's are and do and what to use, as well as a proper PCT (most important part of a cycle even more so for a younger person)
At that point fire away any questions and we will do our best to guide you along
Believe it or not i have researched for a while and i know about the uses of what i did heres a run down of exactly what i did:
Superdrol 4 weeks (cant remember what mg was taking as it was long ago, but took 2 pills per day as instructed on back of pill box)
This was followed by a PCT of Clomid 50/50/50

(I assumed this was a dud batch as i had no side effects and no massive increase in muscle mass, nothing i couldn't gain from natty training and dieting)

Anavar 8 week cycle at 60 mg's pd.
followed by PCT Clomid 50/50/50/50

Best cycle ever, didnt get shut down either due to the mild nature of Oxandrolone (Anavar) still managing to keep the mrs satisfied.

Trenavar (Couldn't handle the sidies) 2 weeks on 30mg's
PCT'd off for 4 weeks, 50/50/50/50

This converted to trenbolone acetate inside the body, or so it said... I do believe it did as i got all the normal sidies as from a tren cycle, night sweats, lethargy, night terrors etc, however felt alpha in the gym and my bf got really low.

2 months off any AAS, blood work was tested and came back fine.
Went back to Var as its a mild steroid and mainly to reverse catabolic effect so used at a low dosage of 30mg pd.

At the end of my cycle of trenavar i had a weird pressure in my head, however i had a lot going on in my life and it might have been stress induced or tension headaches, as i was lifting 6 times a week, sometimes even 7 (yes i do know i was over training). With all do respect i am not as nieve as i make out to be, i do know about test levels, cycling on and off, potentially shutting down my natural test, however i havnt had any issues so far and if i cycle correctly with a good PCT it shouldn't be an issue surely? Im not saying i know ALOT about AAS as i dont i have a basic knowledge, just if i was going to carry on what would be the best way to go?

I missed that part.. yeah if you want it to take it to the next level, I would consider going with injectable... You'll get more results and anyway... at some point or another.. lets be honest, you'll go that route;

Not trying to be hard on ya or bash ya for your decisions as most of us have been there in the beginning.
Alot of people will harp on the fact that you are too young. And you are but the decision is ultimately yours and I would rather see people steer you in the right direction rather than focus on the negative of the age thing since you have already embarked on the journey of AAS
Read the stickies and you should have a good isea of what a great first cycle will be. what AI's are and do and what to use, as well as a proper PCT (most important part of a cycle even more so for a younger person)
At that point fire away any questions and we will do our best to guide you along

yeah he's already ''in the game...'' might as well show him the right path
I missed that part.. yeah if you want it to take it to the next level, I would consider going with injectable... You'll get more results and anyway... at some point or another.. lets be honest, you'll go that route;

yeah he's already ''in the game...'' might as well show him the right path

Shall i continue with the var cycle up to my comp then, or just stop and look at going the injectable route, var wont hurt me will it surely?