Need advice


New member
I am 24 56" 174lb i am a relly athletic and considered pretty big for my size but i have reached a stage were i have not noticed any gaines for a while. I eat good and train hard, i have trained for about six years but have never took any d-bol deca ex.... I guess i been a little scared, plus dont know anything about the subject. I am starting a new working out program were i am pushim my self harder, i want some advice on what to take so i can cumbined with my new program
Try a single compound cycle...just to get your body used to it. Maybe a Test e @500mg per week. Dont forget your PCT... and be sure to have your goodies on hand incase of gyno, water retention ....etc.
i say since its his first time, im still learning mind you lol, the it would be a nice starter by doing this....

40mg tbol wk1-5 (oral turinabol)
300-400mg test cyp/E wk1-14
pct wk16-20 nolva 30/20/20/20

just a thought.. i sorta did a half ass job my first time around so this is gonna be my next cycle when i am thru with this one i am on in a month.
thank you for your help i am going to take all yalls advice.. i dont want to get anything to strong, is their anything oral that i can take.