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I've been everywhere trying to research what is going on with me and thought this might be the best place to get an answer. I was on birth control for 5yrs (the extreme pro-estrogen) and I now consider an hormone replacement or additive a steroid. What happens when you discontinue steroid use, does everything shrink, fall out or do you guys just remain pumped like before. I just stopped bcp cold turkey and everythings a mess and for a gymnista like myself its been hell. Do you taper off or stop cold and start another cycle, do your bodies get used to the hormones or...? Any insight would be helpful as I am really curious to know.
Joi, i am having a hard time reading or understanding what you are asking???

Are you asking what happens when you come off BCP cold turkey? BCP is not a steroid by any means, so comparing this to what happens when men come of steroids is not plausable.

PLease reiterate your questions so we can understand better. Y0ou may want to post this in the Womens forum as well.

I now consider anything that alters any hormonal makeup in the body a steroid and that mind set comes from what happened after I quit the bcp. I posted in the women's section but no reply. This was something that I'm curious about and it looks like I've to do my own research and asking the question on this forum would be the only way I can come up with half a solution. Sorry if I'm in the wrong area but I was just curious about discontinuing steroids and what happens after one quits just out of curiosity.
For a woman, its not easy for any of us men to answer because most of us including me dont have any first hand experience with this type of situation. You should rephrase your question for a better chance of responses. This however is the wrong forum for this type of question and you probably wont get anything helpful out of the chem crowd. Try our womens forum, and also visit other boards with womans sections. Good luck
Birth control is a steroid, just not an anabolic one. If you were on for 3 years straight I could see some problems arising for sure.
I presume that your are asking what the side effects of suddently stopping birth control medicine, right? not sure about this one, and since it's not a anabolic i don't have mutch info on this but should be plenty of info on the web...
this can cause an hormonal inbalance, but probably nothing too mutch noticeable in the mirror although it probably alters hormonal values! The long term use of any drug can have effects of course, temporary or permanent, I don't know in this particular case!
Thanks guys

Thanks again I guess I just basically wanted to know if there were any adverse or any effects when you quit your cycles, the question isn't female specific. Do you just taper off or just here today done tomorrow and that's it just done. Do you just finish off or you ease off.
Cycles of what.... Anabolics or birth control. I think we are all confused as hell as to what you want to know.

We usually and most intelligently just stop injections cold, no taper. Any ester will naturally taper the steroid concentration in the body over the course of days-weeks depending on ester. This isnt really beneficial at all becuase we are still shutdown, suppressed, unable to start post cycle therapy (pct) and now have a low low level of hormone. You picking up what Im putting down>?
joi your are talking of mutch different substances, and concentrations! When you stop taking birth control you don't get the same suppression that we got, don't forget that you just use birth control to CONTROL the hormones so that the hormones responsible for pregnancy don't get in a nevel that can cause any women to be pregnant! I'm not really sure if it supresses at all..
When you talk about anabolic steroids you talk in a concentration able to promote muscle mass,a lot more that our physiological levels and that cause a middle/severe inbalance in our hormonal values, that's why we use a lot of drugs sometimes: to be able to control as mutch hormonal levels as we can!
the next day pill is a lot more harsh because it has a very high concentration and that's why you should avoid it at all costs!

now, about using birth control pills durings like 5/6 years can probably cause you some problems, that we here are not very sure about it! Probably the best place is to ask your doctor about this, or try to search any women birth control specific boards!

Thanks and sorry for confusing everyone. DougeFresh answered the query I had in relation to certain hormones being suppressed etc. This isn't a female specific question, just a thought I had in mind and thought I'd throw it out there.