Need experience users advice


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Quick background, I always been strength mass guy. All cycles geared that way. I'm one of those who has the 'rebound' effect with test. I'm all right with sides while using, but once off, acne fucking runs rampant. Now I've not use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), only clomid. My question is this. Currently on a high test cycle for a lift meet. But I want to shed about 30 lbs and get ripped for a 20th reunion. Can I use a small dosage of enanthate while hitting tren/winstrol/eq and diet heavily enough to get that ripped look. Or do you think Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would hold the effects for a month while hitting a cutting cycle. Thanks
JohnnyB said:
I'd say use about 200-300mg of test

yep that ought to be enough to combat fina dick , also have you tried post cycle therapy with nolvadex or a clomid/nolvadex combo that might help with the acne [ clomid breaks me out to ] :(
Yeah throw in 250mg of test along with some Letrozole at 1.25mg ed.
Add a high protein low carb diet along with 30minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week.
Wartime100 said:
Yeah throw in 250mg of test along with some Letrozole at 1.25mg ed.
Add a high protein low carb diet along with 30minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week.

i fully agree with Wartime.....

oh yeah, a lil' gas never hurts! lol
god bless