Need Good Advice


New member
on a previous thread i mentioned problems with my gal and the stress that it has caused. ok i moved out and am not yet settled in my crib yet. this makes it extremely hard to eat. the stress doesnt help either.

anyway i decided to cut my test to 100mg eod and im gonna use the last two cc of eq that i have. im doing this to maintain some mass until i put it high "gear" again in a couple of months. it also will give my body a break.

my question is, would it be wise to do post cycle therapy (pct) when i wont be able to eat right for a couple of weeks or so. i know how important good nutrition is post cycle. i feel that i would feel and look like shit if i go off now.

please give me some advice
That's a hard one to answer. (1) are you wanting to continue to do test, 100mgs EOD until you do another cycle, or as you put it Higher dosage. I don't know if that's exactly what you saying, but if it is I would leave the post cycle therapy (pct) off. Not gonna do ya much good while still on the test. If that's not what your saying explain it in a little more detail.
As for stress in dealing with a break up. I feel ya bro, that's some tuff shit to deal with and it hard to cycle correctly when going through that shit.

bro go with egg whites ... cheap and high protein !

as far as your cycle goes ask a MOD !

thanks bros. my options are to stay on a low dose of test or stop using all together and start post cycle therapy (pct). im stressed and depressed and im kinda nervous if i go off and start post cycle therapy (pct) without proper diet and training that i would look and feel worse. i will be able to get my diet on track in a couple of weeks. i had to fork over a shit load of money on my apartment.
im just afraid that my hard work will go up in smoke if i start post cycle therapy (pct) without proper diet.
I have gotten off during a breakup with my last live in. Honestly i don't think much can make that worse. I would honestly start post cycle therapy (pct) if it were me. If you took a shot of eq yesterday and you would not be able to start post cycle therapy (pct) for three weeks anyway. Run the 100mg of prop eod, and at the end of the three weeks start post cycle therapy (pct). You will be amazed at how 3 weeks can dull the pain, not make it better, and sometimes you need the focus of the diet and the gym to get your mind off shit.