Need HCG advice please assist with water, dosage advice. How much to mix, ect


New member

I just got human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 iu - Ovidac 5000iu.
It comes with sterile water.
I know bacteriostactic last longer and the person shipped it without the bacteriostatic water and told me to use the sterile that came with it.

I have one month to lean out for shoots.
The person I got it from first said we were going to double the dosage from 1iu to two ius per day. Now he is saying one and I need to order bac. Water.

Can someone please tell me how many ius go into a vial and how many ius I should take per day to drop 10 l
Pounds in a month?

I would have done it sooner but there was shipping problems. Thank you!
How many amps of 5000iu do you have?

How many iu will you take daily? This number should be in the 100s or 1000s, not 1 or two.

BAC water doesn't make it last longer it prevents bacterial growth if you don't use the full amp in one go. Mix with BAC water, not sterile.

Finally, the hcg diet seems to work due to the extreme calorie deficit, not due to the hcg. I currently take 6000iu/wk for fertility treatment and I'm not losing any weight :)