Need help - 2nd Cycle - Winstrol/Primabolan


New member
Hi everyone,

I started my second cycle about 10 days ago. my first cycle was about 4 months ago and I took 20ml of primobolan. but this time I decided to take Winstrol (winny) and primo together to gain some lean muscle. I knew it was better to take some deca to have my joints lubricated but my friends told me deca is not going to give me good quality gains and make my abs ripped. I know I made a mistake because I had shoulder pain before I start my cycle and know with using only 400mg of primo and 400mg of winstrol my left shoulder (which was injured before the cycle) is killing me :wallbash: even the right shoulder and arms started a pain. I thought taking enough fish oil and glucosamine/ chondroitin through the cycle keeps me going but it seems that they don't work for me. :noway:

Now I've decided to rest for a couple of days but I really don't know if I have to keep my cycle going. I was thinking to keep my Winstrol (winny) for another cycle to run with deca and keep my primobolan running but I need more professional advises. Another option would be adding something else to my current cycle. Any help would be appreciated.

btw I am 26 years old, 76 kg (167 lbs) body weight, 180cm (5.9 ft) height 7.6% body fat. :afro:
winnie will fuck up joints primo needs to be ran at high doses like 800mg for 20 weeks...and with no testosterone u will no longer function as a man, pretty shitty cycle u got there
10 days ago, not too late to add test prop ideally or test e/test c okay as well.

you have post cycle therapy (pct) ?

p.s. bundy is rite about the primo , unless you have pharm grade you probably need to up it depending on lab, but probably 600mg-800mg at least
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thanks for your replies. I went to the gym today after having a day off. My shoulders are much better now. So you think that I can add the test prop now? I thought primobolan and wistrol are pretty mild on sexual functionality. And no, I haven't prepared my post cycle therapy (pct) yet but I was planning to get Clomid and Nolvadex :D

Isn't it too late too add test?! how much should I buy and how should I schedule it with my primo and winny?!

P.S. The primobolan is from Bayer Schreng company (I guess it's pharma grade cause its written on it). I pinned 4 of them and have 12 left. I had 500mgs of winstrol as well (its been 12 days now).
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thanks for your replies. I went to the gym today after having a day off. My shoulders are much better now. So you think that I can add the test prop now? I thought primobolan and wistrol are pretty mild on sexual functionality. And no, I haven't prepared my post cycle therapy (pct) yet but I was planning to get Clomid and Nolvadex :D

Isn't it too late too add test?! how much should I buy and how should I schedule it with my primo and winny?!

P.S. The primobolan is from Bayer Schreng company (I guess it's pharma grade cause its written on it). I pinned 4 of them and have 12 left. I had 500mgs of winstrol as well (its been 12 days now).
I think your doing everything WRONG...
pooya if you've been going 10 days and you've pinned 4 of the primo and only have 12 left you will end up stopping the primo before you see ANY gains...

GET MORE PRIMO. You need to run it 600-800mg/week like the guys above said and you can run a lower dose of test. I have hear people running it between 200-600 but you just need it since yo will be shut down from making your natural test by taking the primo. Find out how much primo concentration per ampule you are using and make sure you are doing it 2x per week and enough to run it 600-800mg

okay, so here is what I do: buy some test and add more primo to the cycle. what about the winstrol? should I just f*ck it and leave it for later?! or keep it for the last 4 weeks?
I'm about to buy 2ml test prop (testolic) today to add to my cycle. and I'm getting Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct). Through my researches I think it is fine to run 200mgs of primo/ 200mgs of Winstrol (winny) & 200 mgs of test prop every week (Having them for 8 weeks). what do u think?
I'm about to buy 2ml test prop (testolic) today to add to my cycle. and I'm getting Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct). Through my researches I think it is fine to run 200mgs of primo/ 200mgs of Winstrol (winny) & 200 mgs of test prop every week (Having them for 8 weeks). what do u think?

why not do things right..12 weeks of cyp or E followed by a standard post cycle therapy (pct) dont be "different"
pooya if you've been going 10 days and you've pinned 4 of the primo and only have 12 left you will end up stopping the primo before you see ANY gains...

GET MORE PRIMO. You need to run it 600-800mg/week like the guys above said and you can run a lower dose of test. I have hear people running it between 200-600 but you just need it since yo will be shut down from making your natural test by taking the primo. Find out how much primo concentration per ampule you are using and make sure you are doing it 2x per week and enough to run it 600-800mg


listen to this boy.....and you for sure wanna run some test....that can't be said enough