need help about dbol dosage on t400 cycle.


New member
I started a cycle about 5 weeks ago of t400 running at 1.5ml a week,600mg .
On week three I got my hands on 200 tabs of dbol 10mg.
I have been taking the dbols at 3 per day every five hours or so.
I'm 30 Years old 155lbs. I know I havnt gone far enough to reach my natural potential and have just been learning on proper dieting ect.
I'm wondering how long I should run these dbol with my test. I'm planning 13 weeks test followed by nolva and Clomid pct. Wondering if I can run the dbols right the full cycle and if I can up the dosage to 40 or 50mg..havnt been experiencing any bad side effects except the chestne and went to doc blood pressure is good. will that serve any benefit for me.
Any advice for me would be great thanks.
you shouldn't run dboll longer than 4 weeks, max 5 weeks.any NAC for liver?
do u have an ai on hand to use while u will be using dboll to combat e2?
4-5 weeks at 40mg a day is all you need (if any, if this is your first cycle) ,, and you WILL need to run an AI, asap . Dbol is the highest aromatizing compound known to man. 0.5mg eod of arimidex to start, then when finish with dbol get bloods done and adjust AI dosage as needed to fit remainder of your T400 cycle (I'm assuming your already running an AI to some degree being your running 600 mg of test, but you'll need to up that with the Dbol)

Note: and just in case you did not do any research before you just decided to start pipping pills, Dbol is TOXIC. you need to run liver support and be prepared for possible physical side effects of being in a 'toxic' state
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Thanks for responding to my post so quickly. I'm pretty new and probably didn't do enough research. I was under the imprrssion that I woulsnt need to run an ai unless symptoms started to brother has been running dbol same time I started but he has gotten the serious sore tits and such. Is it possible I am not prone to this gyno
U did not do any research but welcome. Ur to light young man but

40 is fine..ur liver values will skew...and not in a good way.

You shouldn't wait to take an ai until symptoms show. The compounds your using will most certainly raise estrogen levels. An ai manages them. If you start to get gyno for instance, an ai won't help with that. It's too late. You will need a serm for gyno. It's best to use an ai from the start and get it dialed in so you won't get any symptoms. Fyi, there are lots more bad sides to high estrogen then just gyno...
Thanks for responding to my post so quickly. I'm pretty new and probably didn't do enough research. I was under the imprrssion that I woulsnt need to run an ai unless symptoms started to brother has been running dbol same time I started but he has gotten the serious sore tits and such. Is it possible I am not prone to this gyno

the outward symptoms (like bloat, gyno, hypertension) are just outward signs of an inward condition that already existed.. why wait until you see the outward signs, take care of the inward condition ahead of time.
- don't wait until you get an std to start wearing a condom, wear a condom to keep from getting an std in the first place.
Ya know I'm just gonna support what all these vets told you...^^^.

Simple Simon though about the AI use. Listen there are any side effects with high Estrogen and if you aren't aware of these how would you know when to plug it in. When your Test level rises so does your "E". So then your cycle isn't working the way it should. There needs to be a balance of hormones "Balance" ya know pretty easy common sense. Now if you were to get Gyno which is only one side the as you were told you would have to stop it and then what happens to the damage already done. By the time it is evident to your site it's done damage. Pretty simple thought process.

Now I have over labored that AI issue with the others. They have told you about the Dbol use. You need to educate yourself and also read the steroid profiles. Learn about Estrogen and prolactin and much, much more. GO back to where you came in and read the sticky threads...ALL of them.

Good Luck and welcome to the best BB and steroid Forum. :wavey: