Need help controlling E2 - use anastrazole or not?


New member
Hey guys, I've been on TRT for about a year now and doc initially had me prescribed at 1cc (200mg) per week. Labs at the initial run was TT @ 1500+ and E2 around 63. We've worked it down to .75 CC (so roughly 150mg) per week and the addition of 1mg anastrazole and my bloods are within 1000ng/dL but my E2 is buried at 0. We've decided to bring it down to .25mg per week, but E2 is still at 0. It's been 0 for the past few months now.

Admittedly I decided to run a cycle of 400 test/600 eq with 1mg anaztrazole per week for 12 weeks. For the first 4 weeks both my nipples were in pain, so I decided to bump it up to 2 mg per week.

Well I've come off the cycle and back down to the regimen of .75cc testosterone and .25 mg anastrazole and I'm still around 0 on my E2. It's affecting my lipid panel (42ish HDL and 100ish LDL) but other than that, my sex drive is fine for the most part. Sometimes I get weak erections but that's few and far between. Anyone have any ideas on what to do?
Sounds like you do not need an AI for trt dose 150mg. There are some of us out there that do not need an AI on TRT and I am one of them as well. Most people do need some type of estrogen support even at a TRT does but it always comes down to bloodwork.

I would stop taking the AI and get your E2 tested in a few weeks.
Sounds like you do not need an AI for trt dose 150mg. There are some of us out there that do not need an AI on TRT and I am one of them as well. Most people do need some type of estrogen support even at a TRT does but it always comes down to bloodwork.

I would stop taking the AI and get your E2 tested in a few weeks.

This might be placebo, but I feel like if I don't take my adex I get ED or low libido. Is that normal? Just wade it out?
This might be placebo, but I feel like if I don't take my adex I get ED or low libido. Is that normal? Just wade it out?

Yeah sounds like it could be placebo. If your estrogen/E2 is at 0 just stay off the AI for now and get blood work done in a few weeks to see where your E2 levels are at. Depending on what your bloodwork says just make adjustments from there.