Need HELP on 2nd cycle with accutane/isotretinoin.


New member
First of all, I'm new here so I'm sorry if it's wrong forum or something. Secondly, I'm from northern Europe so English is my second language, so excuse me for any spelling mistakes or if I explain things kind off like a 5 year old. This is a wall of text so if you don't want to read all of it, I understand, but every bit is quite important to this puzzle.

Anyway, my story is a little bit different than others. Mostly because I didn't start with steroids to get bigger or stronger. About a year ago, my skin specialist doctor, told me that I absolutely needed Accutane/isotretinoin because of my huge zit-problem. For 2 years I've tried every prescription and non-prescription medicine you can think off against zits, and nothing helped. It should be noted that accutane is a last resort solution, and very very hard to get in my country due to it's side-effects. So at the time, I had been lifting for about 3,5 years, started to take 40mg accutane a day. And after about a month, I got huuuuuuge pain in my back and in my joints. I couldn't even go to work for a week, even tho I quit immediately after the pain came. It took about 6 weeks before the pain was gone all together. So what does this have to do with steroids you ask? Well, I knew this was a popular drug amongst bodybuilders due to it being so effective, so I asked on a different forum how they could train with this drug when it hurt me so badly. And they said some bodybuilders used Deca, since it ''lubed'' the joints and therefor helped a ton. I immediately started to do a shit ton of research on steroids, and did so for months. I realized mixing to drugs on the first cycle was a bad idea, and I should get my body used to the whole steroid thing by taking one drug first.

I chose testosterone propionate as my starter-drug. I did a 10 week cycle, with about 140-150mg EOD. I did a post cycle therapy (pct) after that, 4 weeks with nolvadex, 40 mg ED the first 2 weeks, and 20 mg ED last 2 weeks. I had a pretty serious diet, got some great results and stuff but that didn't really matter to me. The reason I started lifting was because I was always the weakest one and smallest one, so I wanted to change that. But it was never important to me to get there as fast as possible, I was happy training and knowing it would come eventually. The best thing about being on steroids was that I could train extremely hard. I used to throw up from squats, and bleed nose blood from deadlifts whenever I would push myself to the limit, and it was great being on test pushing beyond that and not throwing up as much.

So now, here the actual question is. It's been 14 weeks since I was done with post cycle therapy (pct), so I'm ready for my next cycle.
150mg test prop EOD
While doing this I'll of course be on accutane, and hopefully it will help ease the pain I felt before. I'm supposed to take 40mg accutane ED for 180 days. So my question is, what are the biggest dangers of doing a 20-24 week cycle with NPP and test prop? The reason for the fast acting drugs, is because I feel those are a bit safer, and I like being in control over how much is in my body at all times. I do not mind needles either, or their extra cost, it's well worth it for me and my controllfreakness. On my first cycle I did have some arimidex everyday, not sure how much. But I ran out pretty fast because my dealer got busted. Managed to do just fine during the entire cycle without side-effects. Got some puffy nipples in the end, but the post cycle therapy (pct) seemed to take care of that. I'll have something on hand for this cycle. I was also gonna do some hCG this cycle with npp and prop, but I wasn't quite sure how much and how often, so if you have any tips on that for either a 10 week cycle, or a 20, I would be very thankful for that.

I'm about 5'11 and 190 pounds. I'm only 20 years old, and I know I'm WAY too young to do steroids. The only reason I started everything is the zits. They are major, and destroy my life a ton. I have huge open sores, my whole upper body and face. A lot of them itches, a lot of them wake me up at night if I sleep at my back. I hate doing squats because of having the bar on big zits is a pain. I hate them more than anything. If you ask yourself why I just don't quit training and take the accutane for 6months and then start training again; it's because of a couple of things. 1, training is the only thing I got. It's the best thing I've got, and I love to train. The only hobby I've got, and the only thing that makes me feel anything at all. 2, I have a shoulder-joint injury, and the only thing that helps for it is to build muscles around it, I have gotten this recommended by doctors and specialists, and it really really does help a lot.

So, if anybody could tell me a bit about the dangers of having a longer cycle that would be great. Couldn't find a lot by googling either. If anyone has any experience with accutane I would love to hear it. I understand I'm too young for this and such, but I simply couldn't find any other solution. I've tried everything, and this is my last hope. If you don't want to help me because of my age, I understand that and respect that. I basically want to hear some tips and experiences, and dangers, and then make up my own mind about doing this long of a cycle. I will accept any form of criticism of the drugs or anything.