Need help on diet critique!!


New member
I am currently 210 @ 16-18% and 5'10 1/2"

I have only cycled once and have been lifting very very strictly for the past 3 years. I am about to start another cycle in a month or so and would like some very good dieting advice for gaining alot of lean size.

I am goin to be running Sustanon @ 750mg/wk and Winstrol depot @ 50mg/ed

Like i said, i am wanting to put on high quality mass for the summer and the last 6 weeks of the cycle are goin to be very strict with eating to achieve this.

I know how important eating for lean size is, so i am hoping someone with knowledge in this area will help.


Oh and i will post up what i am curently eating daily and training schedule.
First of all my goal for the next 4 months is to lean to single digit BF and keep most of the mass ive worked hard at gaining.

Note: i have been using slin for the past 3 or 4 weeks so thats why mt diet looks the way it does around post-workout.

My current diet looks like this:

8 a.m. - one banana and 2 scoops of ON whey

10 a.m. - 1 cup dry oats cooked
3 whole eggs and 4 whites
8 oz of skim milk
multi-vitamin and natty test booster

1 p.m. - 8 oz Tilapia seasoned
2 cups (cooked) brown rice

(Pre-WO) 4 p.m. - 8 oz tilapia or ground sirloin
2 cups (cooked) brown rice or two slices whole wheat bread

(PWO) 6 p.m. - 80 grams dextrose
2 scoops whey
6 scoops Scivation Xtend Amino blend
1 scoop cell mass

Regardless of the time, 2 hrs after workout shake, i eat the following:

8 oz Tilapia and 1 1/2 to 2 cups cooked brown rice
1 cup raw steamed broccoli

10 p.m. - 8oz lean meat
1-2 cups steamed broccoli
2-3 flax oil pills

midnight- 12 oz skim cottage cheese
1 tbs flax oil
1 cup milk
1 scoop cellmass

My main problem with this diet is that i seem to have put on a little unwanted fat.

Another question is, since im using slin, should i lift in the morning? So that way the majority of my carbs are b4 noon?

Any help would be great

My main problem is that i love this diet because i can easily get the food listed, but i am wanting to cut out whatever is making me gain too much fat.

My current lifting cycle is as follows:

I dont lift on a 7 day split. I have just been lifting every other day. So 1 lift day/ 1 rest day. I like this way alot, because it is helping with my recovery and since im using slin, i am getting the most out of it also.

1st day - Legs ( hams, quads, calves) 10 IUs slin post WO

2nd day - Rest day 8- 10 IUs slin upon waking with the normal dextrose, protein, and amino shake i listed above

3rd day - Upper body (except arms) so shoulders, back, chest and traps

4th day - Rest day

5th day- Arms and forearms

and so on....

I might add that all my lifting is done similair to the 5x5 program but instead i do just 4 sets for every body part and try using progressive overload. All heavy compound movements. And every workout i try and add at least 5lbs or get 2 more reps.

I take the slin like i mentioned above and only take it once a day.

Lifting days i take it after my workout and rest days in the morning.

Sorry if thats too much, but thanks for any help
Oh almost forgot to mention, i fit abs in whenever i can. I have pretty decent abdominals so i do not really focus on them so much. I also like this training split because it is helping to grow my arms cause of all the rest, and arms are my trouble spot
Your 16-18% BF and taking Slin? Actually, taking Insulin at the stage you're in is a little overkill IMO. Regardless of how much fat you have on you. You've only done one cycle.

Bottom line is this. You're holding too much fat right now and you want to lean down before your next cycle. Drop the insulin. Slin doesn't discriminate. It will shuttle all the good stuff, and all the bad stuff. I would say that is the reason you have put on fat.

btw, what was your first cycle? Was it less than 750mg/w of test? If so, why are you increasing the dose already? More is not always the answer.
First of all my goal for the next 4 months is to lean to single digit BF and keep most of the mass ive worked hard at gaining.

Note: i have been using slin for the past 3 or 4 weeks so thats why mt diet looks the way it does around post-workout.

My current diet looks like this:

8 a.m. - one banana and 2 scoops of ON whey

10 a.m. - 1 cup dry oats cooked
3 whole eggs and 4 whites
8 oz of skim milk
multi-vitamin and natty test booster

1 p.m. - 8 oz Tilapia seasoned
2 cups (cooked) brown rice

(Pre-WO) 4 p.m. - 8 oz tilapia or ground sirloin
2 cups (cooked) brown rice or two slices whole wheat bread

(PWO) 6 p.m. - 80 grams dextrose
2 scoops whey
6 scoops Scivation Xtend Amino blend
1 scoop cell mass

Regardless of the time, 2 hrs after workout shake, i eat the following:

8 oz Tilapia and 1 1/2 to 2 cups cooked brown rice
1 cup raw steamed broccoli

10 p.m. - 8oz lean meat
1-2 cups steamed broccoli
2-3 flax oil pills

midnight- 12 oz skim cottage cheese
1 tbs flax oil
1 cup milk
1 scoop cellmass

My main problem with this diet is that i seem to have put on a little unwanted fat.

Another question is, since im using slin, should i lift in the morning? So that way the majority of my carbs are b4 noon?

Any help would be great


diet looks decent... i also agree with RJ... SLIN is a very tricky thing to do and it's hit and miss.. at your bf.. it's the last thing you need to worry about...

do you have macros for this diet??
i def see ur guys point bout the slin. The thing though is that i had my bf checked bout a week b4 i started the slin and it was only 1% less. Im not gainin any really noticable fat on the slin and have added 5-10lbs of decent mass since i started. I def see ur point about it being tricky and maybe i should have waited awhile but i guess i did it anyways. but i have read up on it and def know my shit now. I dont take in any fat after takin the slin so im not gainin any fat. I also get it checked bout every month to stay in check.

but i just wanted to know if maybe its better to take in the morning and have most my carbs in the first part on the day, then switch to fibrous carbs in the latter part of the day.

As far as the bf % goes.. i really dont care bout a little excess fat. The reason being cause i know my body and i have a very high metabolism and can make fat disapear on command. Knowing this, when i try and gass mass, i dont ever keep my bf low and always eat plenty (of the good shit of course).
oh and my first cycle was just Test cyp for 12 wks@ 600/wk. I originally start the cycle taking 30mg dbol/ed also but ended up with too much unwanted bloat and was starting to affect my hunger. The test was very good stuff so i know it was mg for mg
and do u think i should go back to doin cardio. Its actually been awhile since ive done any at all. Got burnt out on it last summer
Also i was wondering if milk is bad to take right b4 bed?

Doesnt it help raise insulin?

the older you get the harder it is for your body to break down lactose... that's why i usually dont recommend milk...

but if it's skim milk its fine in moderation
and do u think i should go back to doin cardio. Its actually been awhile since ive done any at all. Got burnt out on it last summer

cadio is always a good thing.. keep it light for bulking and turn it up for cutting..
cadio is always a good thing.. keep it light for bulking and turn it up for cutting..

Thanks for the reply bro.

Also, i know this is sorta off subject but do you think that i should maybe start takin the slin after lifting in the morning to avoid too many carbs at night?
Thanks for the reply bro.

Also, i know this is sorta off subject but do you think that i should maybe start takin the slin after lifting in the morning to avoid too many carbs at night?

my personal opinion about slin is to NEVER do it... the gains are hit and miss and the dangers are too great...
my personal opinion about slin is to NEVER do it... the gains are hit and miss and the dangers are too great...

Thank you alot for the advice bro.

I do appreciate it and will take heed. I actually have gotten really good results with slin though. I think its all preference, diet, smarts, and body chemistry that kinda decides ur fate with taking it. I will def not be takin it much longer, as im almost done cycling with it. I really appreciate the concern though and hopefully ill be back on test here in a few months:spin: