Need help to create first a.s. Cycle ever, with deca for shoulder surgery recovery


New member
I am in Florida, steroids are everywhere. I have been here for 3 years injured watching everyone grow huge while I atrophy. I tore my labrum in my left shoulder Jan 2010 and have not been able to exercise or lift since. It took me three years to save $12,000 for the surgery (I didn't have insurance). I just had my surgery on May 10, 2012 and just got discharged from physical therapy. I am now in the worse shape of my life and it is affecting my self-esteem, my happiness from the love of lifting and sports, and my experience with women. I am still experiencing pain and loss of range of motion due to the incredibly weak strength from the atrophy that comes from being in an immobilizing sling for 2 months after surgery. I am only looking for something to boost my recovery time and hopefully get me the ability to swing my arm so I may start running. I know that Deca Durabolin is good for easing pain in the joints, and if I run that with a form of test and continue my at-Home physical therapy I will quickly gain the strength back to be able to due minor things with my injured shoulder such as lift a gallon of milk, run, push a grocery cart.

I have had extensive dieting and training since age 13.

My Stats Before Injury VS Now:

Before: 16
Now: 19

Before: 5'11"
Now: 5'11"

Before: 175lbs
Now: 175lbs

Body Fat
Before: 12%
Now: I estimate about 24%

Before: Excellent gaining diet
Now: Poor diet for past 2 years, just now started college so looks like a lot of Water, Ramen, brown rice, oatmeal, and burgers.

1 Rep Bench
Before: 245
Now: Unable to bench with shoulder

1 Rep Squat
Before: 365
Now: N/A, stopped legs last year when the toll of the weight hurt my shoulder to hold it.

Before: Excellent, competed in jiu jitsu competitions and aspired to compete in crossfit.
Now: I start to breath heavy after going up stairs.

Please recommend full cycles and how to carefully do a PCT with explanations.
You may think I'm making a mistake, but once a 19 year old is surrounded by steroids and decides to use them, no one can talk him out of it. I come here to get help with the cycle so I know what I am doing instead of listening to the 20 year old dealer.

I was thinking of a stack of Deca Durabolin-Nandrolone, Test-E, and throwing in Clenbuterol with my PCT?

Thank You in advance for all your help and concerns.
I am in Florida, steroids are everywhere. I have been here for 3 years injured watching everyone grow huge while I atrophy. I tore my labrum in my left shoulder Jan 2010 and have not been able to exercise or lift since. It took me three years to save $12,000 for the surgery (I didn't have insurance). I just had my surgery on May 10, 2012 and just got discharged from physical therapy. I am now in the worse shape of my life and it is affecting my self-esteem, my happiness from the love of lifting and sports, and my experience with women. I am still experiencing pain and loss of range of motion due to the incredibly weak strength from the atrophy that comes from being in an immobilizing sling for 2 months after surgery. I am only looking for something to boost my recovery time and hopefully get me the ability to swing my arm so I may start running. I know that Deca Durabolin is good for easing pain in the joints, and if I run that with a form of test and continue my at-Home physical therapy I will quickly gain the strength back to be able to due minor things with my injured shoulder such as lift a gallon of milk, run, push a grocery cart.

I have had extensive dieting and training since age 13.

My Stats Before Injury VS Now:

Before: 16
Now: 19

Before: 5'11"
Now: 5'11"

Before: 175lbs
Now: 175lbs

Body Fat
Before: 12%
Now: I estimate about 24%

Before: Excellent gaining diet
Now: Poor diet for past 2 years, just now started college so looks like a lot of Water, Ramen, brown rice, oatmeal, and burgers.

1 Rep Bench
Before: 245
Now: Unable to bench with shoulder

1 Rep Squat
Before: 365
Now: N/A, stopped legs last year when the toll of the weight hurt my shoulder to hold it.

Before: Excellent, competed in jiu jitsu competitions and aspired to compete in crossfit.
Now: I start to breath heavy after going up stairs.

Please recommend full cycles and how to carefully do a post cycle therapy (pct) with explanations.
You may think I'm making a mistake, but once a 19 year old is surrounded by steroids and decides to use them, no one can talk him out of it. I come here to get help with the cycle so I know what I am doing instead of listening to the 20 year old dealer.

I was thinking of a stack of Deca Durabolin-Nandrolone, Test-E, and throwing in Clenbuterol with my post cycle therapy (pct)?

Thank You in advance for all your help and concerns.

Ever thought about trying any of the peptides???
No.... I don't know much about them. I will researched them for a while in the morning. Any way you could point me in the right direction or which kind would benefit me?
Thank You
I had shoulder surgery 3.5 weeks ago, what did you end up finding out? I am planning on a 7 month GH run, with test and EQ maybe some anavar too.
Ive done a ton of research on peptides... still am not an expert though. tb-500 is best for healing, growth hormone effects are needed for healing as well you cna use ipamarelin in combination with mod grf (1-29) for this. Igf-1 LR3 seems to be the holy grail of peptides by not only stimulating growth and recovery but why also causing hyperplasia. I think the simplest thing to do is to get your hands on growth hormones and TB-500. You can get igf-des which will cost less in the long run and use it after physical therapy sessions if you really want to heal quick.
Too young bro. Should continue pt, esp if you're still having range issues. I've had 3 shoulder surgeries (labrum torn in 2 places, torn biceps tendon, and fractured humerus). Has taken me 6 years to get back and another year to get better, just now starting a cycle. You're way too young for aas. Still growing. Get back into pt, slowly into the gym, start swimming etc. eventually u can do what you're talking about.

And IMO having the "I'm 19 and if I've decided to do it I'm gonna" attitude is silly. A lot of us on here are very experienced and have learned most of this shit the hard way. If you were gonna run anything peps, or even gh would be best.
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