Need help. Wanna gain muscle while I shred

Lol how do you take 100mg EOD and get 350mg a week?

Fuck reading on usage of gear, dude you need to learn how to add.
Muscle doesnt come easy man, take time, even cycling one cycle is not going to transform u into a monster, over time yes, but it takes time and honestly comes down to tiur diet on what goals u want to achieve, without a proper diet and we have all been there incl myself your gains are so so, work on your diet, talk to 3j, learn more about aas then consider, more to learn then just sticking a needle in ya, u kmow the pro's but do u kmow the cons bro?
Lol how do you take 100mg EOD and get 350mg a week?

Fuck reading on usage of gear, dude you need to learn how to add.
It says 1ml = 100mg so if I take 1ml(100mg) every other day I'll be taking 700mg in two weeks which equals 350mg a week
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Muscle doesnt come easy man, take time, even cycling one cycle is not going to transform u into a monster, over time yes, but it takes time and honestly comes down to tiur diet on what goals u want to achieve, without a proper diet and we have all been there incl myself your gains are so so, work on your diet, talk to 3j, learn more about aas then consider, more to learn then just sticking a needle in ya, u kmow the pro's but do u kmow the cons bro?

I do believe my diet is on point since I'm in the single digits in %bf but u are right i do need to learn more on aas... I know muscle takes for ever and I do know the cons on them I'm just not that aware on how to take them... But thank you for actually explaining what u think instead of just putting a smart remark like half of the comments here lol
It says 1ml = 100mg so if I take 1ml(100mg) every other day I'll be taking 700mg in two weeks which equals 350mg a week

Dude the way you look at is per week. Say you start sunday, you end saturday. Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. Thats 400 MG.
Dude the way you look at is per week. Say you start sunday, you end saturday. Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. Thats 400 MG.

Dude the way you look at is per week. Say you start sunday, you end saturday. Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat. Thats 400 MG.

i'm sorry sir, but that is incorrect. the week after that would be mon wed fri so he would only be getting 300 that week, which is correct, but you just average it to 350 a week because in the long run, that's what youre getting
So just a recap I'm 5'6 151lbs 7%bf go to the gym everyday. plan on taking 350mg of test prop 100 per week and I'm taking aromasin as an ai. Plan on doing this for 8weeks. This is going to be my first time on the gear and my goals are to keep my low bf and gain a little muscle. How does that look to you guys and do you recommend on me taking anything when I'm done
The whole taking 100mg every other day got more attention than my actual question :gay:

yeah, sorry about that... a bit side tracked

if you're serious about competing as a bodybuilder, put some real mass on over time... at your height you gotta get up around 200lbs or more to look good at a competition weight of around 175 and up

oh, and about your bf% being 7... I highly doubt it, walking around at 7% is not comfortable for more than a week or two at a time. You are probably more like 10% or slightly less... but hey, what do I know hahaha
Okay so I placed my order and plan on injecting 1ml (100mg) of test prop 100 every other day so I'll be taking 350mg a week. Also taking aromasin as in AI every day in a pill form (25mg).does that look about right? Also would I need to take a pct after?

Dude, seriously? Just do research. If you're that worried about putting something in your body, wouldn't it behoove you to read up as much as possible to figure it out? If you're asking whether or not you should do the most critical part of a cycle, you obviously just want someone to hold your hand and give you a one size fits all recipe for AAS.
I'm all for you accomplishing your goals, but when you're dealing with AAS (drugs, hormones, chemicals) don't you think a little more due diligence in in order?
This thread is such a mess, I don't think he will get it through his head that he needs to figure out wtf he's doing.
This thread is such a mess, I don't think he will get it through his head that he needs to figure out wtf he's doing.

Well if people would actually point me in the right direction or just answer my questions instead of just posting stuff like this which is useless, it would help me know what to research
Not to get the thread off track, I am also new here and doing a good bit of reading and planning of a furtue cycle and the dossing in this thread is got me confused.

EOD=every other day right. Does that mean all 7 days in a week? So for example: M, W, Fri, Sun ?

Then that would mean in this thread he would be doing 400mg for the week?