need help with blood results and ED


New member
Hi to all,

So i finished my cycle of 800 mg t400, 500 mgs deca and 5 week dbol kick starter 50mg last may and finished 18 days after last inject with pct of clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20, never ran AI or PA or hcg. My cycle ended mid September and it is now around 3/4 months on from when i stopped. I came on here and asked around because i thought i was having trouble with erections. No morning wood and could only get it up myself. I masturbate few times a day but do not seem to be hitting random erections. Anyway i went to my gp and gave him the whole tiredness, loss of libido (even tho i have sex drive) etc just so i could get my bloods done.

Over the past 4 weeks i have had 3 separate blood tests done, the first was a general blood test, which came back the various results shown below. Being tests from the male hormone panel in the first test actually came up in another part of the test that my iron level was low in my blood. I have been having trouble with passing in the toilet and have lost blood. The doctor said it was piles and am going to have the camera used to confirm this is the hospital, however this is all down to the blood ive lost over a few months when going to the toilet which has cause blood loss and iron loss. the other tests were to look at the iron and hemoglobin and a stool test.

This just came up in my test however from his point of view, i went back and seen him 2 days ago to talk about all these results and he said that all my blood and hormones were fine and that he cant see anything abnormal or out of the ordinary that would cause your erections to be bad. He said it is more psychological and confidence. However i am beginning to think it is all in my head. It is good getting this confirmation from my gp however i would just like to hear from yous your point of views on these blood tests and would anything be causing my erections to be bad or is it all psychological? Also said viagra will help with confidence and boost my erections however im not sure. Could i still be recovering from my cycle?

IView attachment 556138View attachment 556139View attachment 556140View attachment 556141View attachment 556142 would appreciate all the opinions i can get, especially from those who can read blood tests or have been in this similar situation.
Many thanks

ps i have no blood tests from before this cycle, and also am only 21.
Your iron and ferritin are low. I doubt that causes ED though.

Did I miss an estradiol lab in there?

Your Total Testosterone is too low for your age. But without baseline blood work there is no way to know if it has always been like that or not.

Stop masterbating. Go a couple weeks without wacking off. Bet a girl (or boy if you prefer) can get it up for you then.

21 is too young to cycle. Your brain and body are still developing at that age.