Need help with bulking diet...


New member
Ok here is my meal plan below for my bulking diet, now im having trouble reaching 3500 clean calories and also i need about 370 grams of protein but i can't seem to reach it. I was wondering if you guys could have a look at the plan and see what i should add or take out and see if everything is ok, all suggestions are welcome!!

4 eggs white 1 whole egg (22grams protein, 4 grams of fat and 148 calories)
Protein shake (27grams of protein, 115 calories)
2 whole wheat toast (170 calories, 70 grams of carbs)
total 49 grams of protein, 433 calories

2 chicken breasts 6oz (50grams of protein, 4grams fat, 240 calories)
1 cup of brown rice (45 grams of carbs, 200 calories)
¼ cup of mixed veggies (5 grams of carbs, 25 calories)
total 50 grams of protein, 465 calories

2 chicken breasts 6oz (50grams of protein, 4grams fat, 240 calories)
1 cup of brown rice (45 grams of carbs, 200 calories)
¼ cup of mixed veggies (5 grams of carbs, 25 calories)
total 50 grams of protein, 465 calories

1 can of tuna in olive oil (49 grams of protein, 14grams of fat, 339 calories)
total 49 grams of protein 339 calories

protein shake (2scoops- 54grams of protein, 230calories)
1 bottle of Gatorade (56 grams of carbs, 200 calories)
total 54grams of protein, 430 calories

1hour later 1 eat dinner
6oz of ground beef or steak (45 grams of protein, 300 calories)
½ cup white rice (26grams carbs, 121 calories) w/some veggies, or salade
total 45 grams of protein, 421 calories

casein protein shake before bed (23 grams of protein, 120 calories)
total 23 grams of protein, 120 calories

final total: 320 grams protein, 2673 calories ( goal: 3500 calories and about 370 grams of protein)
protein numbers are fine, if you want more, then eat more protein, i dont see a problem there.

If you need more cals, eat more carbs. Id add in the carbs pre workout, and eat more postworkout (not gatorade) and the first real food meal pwo.

You also need more fat. Id get it in at meal 2 and 3, and you can also put some olive oil in your casein shake at night.
Suareezay said:
protein numbers are fine, if you want more, then eat more protein, i dont see a problem there.

If you need more cals, eat more carbs. Id add in the carbs pre workout, and eat more postworkout (not gatorade) and the first real food meal pwo.

You also need more fat. Id get it in at meal 2 and 3, and you can also put some olive oil in your casein shake at night.

Whats wrong with the pwo shake everyone should have one. i mix mine with gatorade too good souce of dextrose. after pwo shake little meal like 30 minutes later is suggested some oatmeal peice of fruit then 2 hours after that steak potato green veggie. this is just what was recommended to me threw the board here.
I would put in some more olive oil.....a few tablespoons. High in calories. Or go purchase some Udo's.

Nuts are good also. Take a handful here or there.

After I workout I always have a carb source, besides my protein shake. Usually it's rice cakes but those are pretty low in calories.
id definately add a carb source preworkout preferably a sweet potato or perhaps some oatmeal and even fruit on top of that if u wish
Your diet looks ok--If you are not gaining--up the quantities a bit. I am not a fan of white rice, it has fairly low nutritional value compared to the asian basmati, or brown rices. If you like sweet potatoes-yams they are great and have a lot of vitamins as well. Throw in an extra yolk once in a while if you think you need more fats--olive oil is good too but if you are already throwing out the yolks, this is a good way to add fats if you are needing more fat in your diet. Generally I would up the protein and higher quality carbs before upping the fat.
Dlove said:
Whats wrong with the pwo shake everyone should have one. i mix mine with gatorade too good souce of dextrose. after pwo shake little meal like 30 minutes later is suggested some oatmeal peice of fruit then 2 hours after that steak potato green veggie. this is just what was recommended to me threw the board here.
i didnt say to get rid of the shake, i just said not gatorade. but a shake isnt even necessary if youre eating before and after a workout.

you say "good source of dextrose" as if dextrose is something necessary or beneficial. :laugh3:
huskyguy said:
Generally I would up the protein and higher quality carbs before upping the fat.
considering his fat is at about 10-15% of his calories as it is, upping the carbs and protein will drop that number even lower. I agree on upping the carbs, but unless hes over 200 lbs, his protein intake is about right. He needs more fat (if hes not gaining weight)