Need help with cycle number 4?


New member
Hey, i am going to start my 4th cycle about one month, sow i need some advice....

i got 4 vials of Ultadex 300mg/ml (100mg of tren ace, 100mg's of masteron, 100mg's of test prop)
and i got 3 vials of Parabolin Tren hex 100mg/ml, do you think i should stack it together or just do a single cycle of each ?

if im going to stack it together i was thinking of doing it like this...
Ultadex 400mg a week (EOD do 1cc),
and with the parabolin. I would go 200 weekly?

or just do a single cycle of ultradex 1-2cc EOD.
And for parabolin i would do 400 weekly?
Hi mate first of im not no expert on this but iv found that blends are underdosed, you would be better off using them as seperate compounds

Second i really dont like tren hex, the ester is too long.

Thats just based on previous use, im sure someone with better knowledge will advise better
sow you think i should do the ultradex cycle alone , and the tren hex cycle alone ? is that what you mean ?
No mate i was suggesting that it may be better to get the compounds separate i.e some vials of test p, tren a and masteron, that way your doses can be altered if required
No mate i was suggesting that it may be better to get the compounds separate i.e some vials of test p, tren a and masteron, that way your doses can be altered if required

I do agree with this to an extent. While there are many factors that can cause poorly distributed ingredients, from a quality source I don't see an issue. With that said, who can you really trust? No offense to any board sponsors, but its all UGL.

Also, you have failed to mention previous cycles. But based on it being your fourth, you're overkilling. There is no need for so many compounds. I think you should be experimenting with two compounds at a time in this stage in your cycle history.

Obviously, you don't want to waste those vials you have but if you could sell them I would. If you like short esters then get you some Test P and Tren A or Test P and any other compound you're interested about. Don't forget your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), PCT, etc.
Now that i got the gear, i have to use it , unless i can sell it ... here in norway i can sell one 10ml vial from 200 euro.... but i got some gear from ttokkyo labs vet gear, and not many here i norway know about that good stuff they sell, maybe not even you ! hehe .... but what is AI ? yes i was going to run nolvadex and clomid for pct ... after that im finish ! last time i did not do pct or nothing , did not train for 3 months and still i did keep all my gains ! than when i started to traing again after one month i did loose 80 % of the gains , maybe because i did not eat sow mutch ... but this time i want to keep most gains as possible ! one friend of mine after he finish his cycle he did only run some hcg he told me that is the secret to keep the gains?