need help with diet..


New member
ok here goes...

I'm 5 11, 190 lbs, 14% bf
I'm trying to get to around 200 and keep bf the same.

do to my job and physical activity i need carbs high.

its hard for me to eat in the morning so i do my best.

meal 1- 3 eggs, 2 pieces toast, 6 oz greek yogurt

meal 2- shake ( 1 cup of oj, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 scoop of whey)

meal 3- 2 chicken breast, 1 cup sweet potatoes

meal 4- 8 to 10 oz of ground beef, 1 cup rice

meal 5- shake ( 1 cup of oj, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 scoop of whey)

meal 6- 2 chicken breast, 1 cup of sweet potatoes

meal 7- not really a meal.. nuts or cottage cheese
