Need Help with Estrogen Levels...


New member
So, to bring you up to speed. My last cycle was Tren and Test with good results. 2 weeks later I found myself with sore, puffy nipples and one actually lactated. During this time I was taking a PCT too. My question is, how the hell can I get rid of the sore, puffy nipples. I have taken 4 weeks of an Estrogen metabolizer and when I thought the nipples were getting better, the soreness came back. I spoke with a Physician friend of mine and he said that to continue to take the Test and finish up a month's worth of Estrogen metabolizer, but no luck. I don't know what else to try without having to go to the Physician to get a prescription. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What? You took post cycle therapy (pct) on cycle?

Doesnt work like that. The way you wrote that is confusing...

What is this "estrogen metabolizer" you are talking about?

DId you do a standard 10 to 12 week cycle, and after a 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) you are still having issues?

Did you use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle and a SERM in post cycle therapy (pct)? And do you have bloodwork done?

Give me the layout of your cycle, Such as Test E 500 weeks 1-12, Clomid 50/50/50/50, etc,etc