Need help with first cycle


New member
Hello ladies I was just wandering if i could possibly get some help with cycles. I am a virgin when it come to this I was wandering what you ladies reccomend for a begginer. Thanks.
Hey there!
Didn't your parents ever tell you drugs are bad?

I'll bump this for the ladies to see. Hopefully Fyre or Supergirl will see this.

You might want to give the girls some stats to work with. Such as age, height, weight, goals, ect. Good luck babe!
you are a beginner with drugs or with training???

Have you reached your natural potential and exhausted all options or are you trying to look for an "easier" way to the top??

Have you plateaued with your current training program and DIET??

Are you on a good clean diet and program now??

These are all pertinent questions prior to the use of any aas!!!

once i know where your head is, i will try to help :)

luv super
i guess i should have given a little more info.....
i have been working out for about 5 years. I have done the dieting and it works to a certain point after which i plateau and can never get the last little bit. I have to admit that my diet is my weak point but I do eat fairly clean. Thanks
So you have been training since you were 17, right? I am very hesitant to tell someone what to use unless I know that they have researched this for themselves and know what's available and safe for women. Dieting and training are much more important than AAS. IMO the anabolics only enhances your chances of building muscle... without a clean high protein diet and intense training they are useless.

But to try and answer your question Ana Anavar (var) is by far the safest anabolic to start with because it rarely has any side effects. It's only slightly androgenic, however these side effects are possible: nausea and/or vomiting, nosebleeds, diarrhea, acne, deep voice, clitorial enlargement or increased growth of body hair.

It causes a dramatic strength increase (for me it does ;) ) without the bloating (some women experience this though but I don't). Your muscles should become hard and defined. I gained some muscle on my Anavar (var) cycles but not anything dramatic. I really like it because it makes me so damn strong! I have chatted with many women that love it! And they have had dramatic changes in their body. We as women have to experiment w/ Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to see which works best for us because we all respond differently. There is no way for me to tell you that you will not get any sides from Anavar (var) but it's less likely that you will get them from it compared to some other anabolic.

If you decide to use it after more research, start with 5mgs for 2 weeks to allow your body to adjust to the added hormones, then increase it to 10mgs and stay there for the remainder of the cycle. I am an advocate of longer low dose cycles so IMO run the cycle for a minimum of 12 weeks. I know it may be hard for you to stick to a clean diet for this long since it's your weak point but trust me your body will totally transform ;)

Unfortunately, there's something else I need to add... this lifestyle is VERY addicting! :( Saying you will do just 1 cycle is unrealistic! You WILL do another one so before you opt to start please think this over. You will love the way your body looks, the hardness of your muscles, the strength, the recovery. I am here to tell you that I am soooooo damn addicted. The recovery and strength is why I never want to come off. I feel so weak when I'm not on, that alone is all mental I know but I'm not ready or willing to stop.

Whatever you decide please let us know so that we can answer any questions you may have. Keep us posted on your progress! Good luck! :)
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Thanks for all the advice!
I have been doing a lot of reading and researching. I am sure i will do a lot more before I decide whether to start or not. I also have heard and read a lot about anavar and many poeople share your enthusiasm. And many people have also mentioned the fact that it is very addictive.. So I will definately think it over hard....meanwhile any other advice is definately welcome.
I was also wandering if any of u fine ladies had any advie on cardio and diet. i know I should be eating a lot of protein which i try to do but as far as carbs i'm not sure what the best choices are....also about cardio... I've read a lot of things and got confused...some people say hour cardio with lo intensity and others swear by interval training....what do u think?

Thanks in advance