Need help with gyno case


New member
Hi guys,
I am in quite bad situation. I have naturally low testosteron level (below minimum) so my doctor prescribed me testosterone enanthate, and i was stupid enough to start using it without a bit of research. He didn't prescribe me other drugs.
I am on 4th week now and had only 2 shots of 200mg each (400 mg in sum) (every 2 weeks).
I started getting estrogen related effects: I got serious depression on 3rd week, i thought i would go nuts. And started getting fat on my belly and chest sides, a bit more on the right side than on the left. Nipples seem more fatty too, again the right one is worse.
My doctor is on holiday for this week. My physician refused to prescribe me nolva. She told me that lumps will go away once i stop the injections. This is not true, right?
What can i do now to get rid of gyno and get off testosterone properly? I thought of buying nolva or letra asap. Since i only had 2 shots of 200mg, Is that an option to just stop it and maybe get gonadotropin shots?
Will the lumps go away?
Sorry if i am asking stupid things i just desperate, don't know what to do.
Please help. :sad:
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one , use the test in 100 mg weekly doses to reduce the spike
two, order some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds online to help get you back to base line , just google Aromasin and someone will have it.. like a board sponsor RUI
Thanks. I am afraid of injecting more testosterone :( What if i just leave it like that? Will i have problems with my own testosterone reproduction then?
What about the gyno effects? Will they go away?
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i have needle phobia and i can say the shots get better as you get use to it. they also have some less effective alternatives like gels.