Need help with low e2 ?????????????????? Please help!!!!


New member
I'M 28 YEARS OLD , 220 POUNDS, 11% BODY FAT AND DOING MY 2ND CYCLE OF TEST E. I AM CURRENTLY IN MY 7TH WEEK OF 600MG PER WEEK along with 250 iu's HCG twice a week also. In my 5th week I started to feel the signs on high E2 so I started on Arimidex. I had blood work done on tuesday and my E2 is at <.5 which is very very low. I obviously dropped the AI but am wondering how long it will take my levels to get back up and if there is anything i can do to help in the mean time???
thanks for your alls help
drop all Ai's for at least a week to 10 days, then see how you feel. btw how much arimidex did you take? for 600mg of test per week, your weekly dose should not be more than 1mg
Appreciate the help man. I was taking .5 E3d ..... I was planning on dropping AI for 10 days and then starting again at .25 E3d
Appreciate the help man. I was taking .5 E3d ..... I was planning on dropping AI for 10 days and then starting again at .25 E3d
try .25 EOD. but like you said, first wait 10 days and try .25 e3d. i found that getting my e2 on point was the hardest part about taking steroids ESPECIALLY with arimidex. imo it's way less forgiving than aromasin.
I would also think using some TNE without any AI should help. It will spike your E2 production due to the spike in test.