Need help with my first cycle


New member
I´m 24 ,5´10 185lbs at 15%bf , i´ve been training almost 2 years now and this is going to be my first cycle ever and i want to make sure i do it right so i can gain as much muscle as possible and keep as much as i can after i do my cycle and pct.

1-12 test E @ 600mg EW or sustanon 250 @ 500mg EW (depends on which i can find first)

2 weeks after last pin Clomid @ 50mg ED for 4-6 weeks

Also i dont want to start my cycle without having my PCT first, if you guys have any suggestions or advice on what else i should do please let me know.

sorry if my english is bad , is not my first language.
Everything looks good as far as i can tell, except having nolva on hand may be a good idea, or take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Whichever you see fit. How does your diet look?
yeah i would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and start it at .25 throughout cycle , either adex or aromasin , and u may wanna look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to prevent atrophy and allow smoother recovery into pct = keep more gains . these things cost but a nolva / clomid pct would be better as well for same reason as i stated .
Everything looks good as far as i can tell, except having nolva on hand may be a good idea, or take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Whichever you see fit. How does your diet look?

my diet is pretty good i´ve been doing a slow bulk eating around 2700 cals a day but once i start my cycle i will increase it to 3k or so, my macros are 220p 350c and 60f , meals mainly consist of chicken, beef, tuna, oats, rice , potatoes , fruits and veggies

yeah i would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and start it at .25 throughout cycle , either adex or aromasin , and u may wanna look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to prevent atrophy and allow smoother recovery into post cycle therapy (pct) = keep more gains . these things cost but a nolva / clomid post cycle therapy (pct) would be better as well for same reason as i stated .

yea i was thinking about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well and using it 2 weeks in or so to control water, i could get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, should i use that during my cycle or in the 3 weeks before i start my post cycle therapy (pct) ?

Another question if i do go with sustanon 250 would it be better to do 250mg e3d or split it and use 125mg eod? and can i inject it anytime during the day or should i do it before i start a workout?

thanks for everything guys
my diet is pretty good i´ve been doing a slow bulk eating around 2700 cals a day but once i start my cycle i will increase it to 3k or so, my macros are 220p 350c and 60f , meals mainly consist of chicken, beef, tuna, oats, rice , potatoes , fruits and veggies

yea i was thinking about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well and using it 2 weeks in or so to control water, i could get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, should i use that during my cycle or in the 3 weeks before i start my post cycle therapy (pct) ?

Another question if i do go with sustanon 250 would it be better to do 250mg e3d or split it and use 125mg eod? and can i inject it anytime during the day or should i do it before i start a workout?

thanks for everything guys

125mg EOD
it is better to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle before and to prevent testicularatrophy , this helps to lead into a smoother post cycle therapy (pct) , so better used during cycle at like 250iu 2x a week . if u choose sustanon i would go 250 3 day split . There are long and short esters in Sustanon (sust) , just do e3d . its not like prop , tho it has some in it . No it doesnt have to be before a workout , the drug is in your system and doesnt need to be used before a workout . U would only do that with a drug like dbol which only has a 3-4 hour half-life , so during that 3-4 hour period the drug spkies in your system and has the highest concentration , not needed with test the same , its half-lifes are much longer , also remember if u use Sustanon (sust) , post cycle therapy (pct) doesnt start till 3 weeks after last shot because it stays in your system longer