I´m 24 ,5´10 185lbs at 15%bf , i´ve been training almost 2 years now and this is going to be my first cycle ever and i want to make sure i do it right so i can gain as much muscle as possible and keep as much as i can after i do my cycle and pct.
1-12 test E @ 600mg EW or sustanon 250 @ 500mg EW (depends on which i can find first)
2 weeks after last pin Clomid @ 50mg ED for 4-6 weeks
Also i dont want to start my cycle without having my PCT first, if you guys have any suggestions or advice on what else i should do please let me know.
sorry if my english is bad , is not my first language.
1-12 test E @ 600mg EW or sustanon 250 @ 500mg EW (depends on which i can find first)
2 weeks after last pin Clomid @ 50mg ED for 4-6 weeks
Also i dont want to start my cycle without having my PCT first, if you guys have any suggestions or advice on what else i should do please let me know.
sorry if my english is bad , is not my first language.