Need help

J.C Derksen

New member
I just had surgery on my rotator cuff and will be out of the gym for 3 months atleast.I've already been out for 3 months so this is TOO long,is there anything you guys can recommend to help speed along my recovery.If not is there any gear you guys can recommend to help me when I get back in the gym,I've never touched the stuff yet and feel I deserve it now with all the hell I've gone through.Thanks and PLEASE give me whatever advise you can.
Dude, baby steps. You want this to heal so that you can come back & lift for a long time. Push it, & you might get back, then fuck yourself up again. Just do your rehab & be patient. No gear either.
When is a suitable amount of time to wait to do it if there is such a thing.Sorry with the impatience BUT the last 3 months have been hell.
DB cleans... they are great for rotator cuff repair. There are countless rehab exercises... I'm sure your ortho has told you of them... we have about 10 listed with pictures over on Chemicalmuscle's training board... I am currently rehabbing my shoulder and am performing OHP's with around 165 for 3 reps -- I know it sounds weak as hell.. .but you are looking at someone who couldn't do like 40lbs because my shoulder would just dislocate... so I'm going to keep going until I can do 225lbs! :)

That's not weak at all,I can't even hold my daughter anymore and she's 11 months old,can't pick her up or out of her crib,this is the biggest reason i want to recover fast,I can't do to much with my daughter and that KILLS me.