Need help


New member
I need some help guys. I wanna lose about 20 pounds of fat. I want to be shredded. My diet consists of low calorie gods and shakes. My question is, what's a good cycle to burn fat.. I'm on anavar now about 30mg a day but I wanna take it to the next level. Any help and suggestions will help
Anavar wont do shit for burning fat. You need to get your diet in order.

Go to the diet forum, read 3J's sticky especially post 1.

Get your bmr/tdee and post up your diet.
i suggest you a very simple way to lose fat.get up early at the morning and go out for a walk.and when return to home drink a glass of water and then after two hours eat fresh food or fruots as you like and at the evening do the same thing.i am sure you will get the positive result.