Need help!


New member
I am 18yrs old 6'5 240 take in 3500 calories a day workout 5 times a week with high intensity but have hit a plateau and was thinking about taking epistane would that be a good choice or no? I would obviously run it as a cycle with everything else but is it too early to take epistane? How do I get out of my plateau?
you can increases your diet and calorie intake buddy at 6ft 5 240lbs and only 3500 cals its to low you need around 4500-5000.

2ndly your far too young too take anything and its not needed your natural test levels will be awesomely high and you can get good natural gains by yourself dont need to look at taking anyhting til your 23 24 bud.

Change your routine and/or customise it to better suit yourself, increase calories and youll continue to gain mate, shouldnt be at a plateu or max potential at 18, just address these issues and youll be fine, if you cant gain naturally at your age you will gain very little offa steroids and then lose all your gains as you cant workout properly and further yourself naturally.
Yes please take his advice bro, when I was 18 I was juiced up, and somewhat regret it, mainly because my collar bones could have probably grown another inch or two. That's 2-4 inches of width that ill never have now. Of course growth plate fusion is due to estrogen not the aas. Which I didn't know back the.

Just up ur calories more..alot more..ur 240lbs , and if that's a somewhat lean 240 ur gonna need more calories all that muscle. Id say 5,000-6,000 min. hell I've been eating 7, sucks, but its worth it haha
I'm 5'8 250 right now..I actually have lost weight..I tore my pec earlier this year and lost quite a bit so I'm.just trying to put on as much mass as possible right now before I start cutting back.Cal's
i had a bit of my shoulder shaved off to make more room for the tendon so i know how you feel mate, took them over a year to diagnose wasted 100s on physio chyropracter etc they were wrenching me around treating me for muscular problems and prob made it worse, total agony lmao, still on the rd to recovery now.
hope your recovery is also swift bud
Thanks, you to man. I pretty much have most of my strength back, I havent really attempted to lift very heavy tho, just sticking with 15 reps or so.