Need Help!!!!


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Need help!!!

This is my pic taken this summer. I am currently 6 ft 195 lbs 20 years old. I ran 3 miles everyday this summer and continue to do so at least 4 days a week. Ive been working out all my life and have come a long way but still have so far to go. I have been 200 pounds since the 5th grade and have terrible genetics as far as weight and metabolism goes. I do not want to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) because I feel I am too young and stupid but have become pretty strong naturally. I can bench 300 pounds. I just need some pointin in the right direction and some advice cause im obviously not doing somethin. I watch what I eat and work out at least 4 days a week but it is hard to balance that with being a college student. I appreciate any advice, I know the first thing i could do is lose the beer.


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massman2000 said:
This is my pic taken this summer. I am currently 6 ft 195 lbs 20 years old. I ran 3 miles everyday this summer and continue to do so at least 4 days a week. Ive been working out all my life and have come a long way but still have so far to go. I have been 200 pounds since the 5th grade and have terrible genetics as far as weight and metabolism goes. I do not want to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) because I feel I am too young and stupid but have become pretty strong naturally. I can bench 300 pounds. I just need some pointin in the right direction and some advice cause im obviously not doing somethin. I watch what I eat and work out at least 4 days a week but it is hard to balance that with being a college student. I appreciate any advice, I know the first thing i could do is lose the beer.

This is a great site to choose. You can get alot of help here, have to give more info and in detail. What's ur diet like? What's ur workout routine? What's ur social life (the beer)? Any supplements? How long have you really been working out (not the all my life answer please)?
You pretty much solved this one yourself buddy! You gotta stop partying as much, and even though it's really hard doing school and training, eating, etc properly - in the end it's about dedication.

I'm sure there are a couple things you could change about your routine, but like Anomaly said, put up more information and we'll try to help you out.
yes u definately can't be lazy, or dread going to the gym. You need to get personal trainer help or someone in person to show u stuff to get u doing stuff correctly and thus increase ur chances of getting addicted to working out. I know too many people that weren't properly educated or trained personally in the gym that quit, compared to people that were helped in person and are now addicted. You can get alot of help here, but they're right, u have to be dedicated, not lazy, don't party, and as I said, prolly git personal help.
Shit, log your normal diet for 1 week, everyday, every meal. If it doesnt become immediatly appart to you whats wrong, post up the diet and we'll take a look.
Yeah I dunno how much experience you have, but having a good trainer for just a couple of months can make a hell of a difference. You learn proper techniques and splits, they can help you with your diet. They aren't the final answer, but will help you to realize what works well for you.
I dont understand why everyone assumes he's lazy... He runs 3 miles 3-4 times a week and go's to the gym at least 4 times a week... is that lazy? i know going to the gym 4 times doesnt mean jack all if your just going threw the motions.. So my advice would be are you really pushing yourself when your at the gym? I think working out is mostly mental.. Good luck though buddy im sure you will get lots of great advice here.
colombia said:
do some juice!!!
Yeah right. Great advice...C'mon dude.

Hey, bro, If you get your diet in check that's 90% IMO, cardio and some lifting, at your age you should snap into great shape! Keep it up naturaly!
Good luck.