New member
Back round: I'm 44 years old been lifting since I was 13, nothing but protein and creatine. Always lifted heavy but it started to become a problem about 2 years ago and had to make a decision between lifting heavy or training fighters (boxing). The toll it was taking on my elbows was to much and I was in pain all the time and could barely hold hand pads. So I lightened up on the weight and decided to focus more on hypertrophy instead which has worked out much better for the elbows! My second problem started about 3 years ago, my sex drive slowed waaay down which isn't like me at all, no morning wood and not the mighty oak that I used to be. So I went to doctor and had my testosterone checked which came back normal....for my age. Total T 496. A friend of mine at the gym suggested I try Test C for a cycle to see how I'd feel and I have to admit I've always been tempted anyways. I'm the type of person though that researches everything before I do the point of over researching! First I went to Tnation which I've always been an avid reader of and I found this site. I read all the stickies to the point of confusing the hell out of myself, so much contradictory information, one says nolvadex for pct one says clomid or both. Some say take hcg while others say you don't need to? Sooo I came up with a cycle of 500mg of Test C a week for 12 weeks and got nolvadex for pct starting 2 weeks after last pin. I had everything in hand before I started figuring if I started to get itchy nips I'd take the nolvadex at 20mg a day till it went away. Didn't have any problems with that in fact I didn't get any side effects accept a little more aggresive but only I and the wife noticed it but I involved her from the start so she knew what to expect. Well I got to the 10 week point and started thinking that I really didn't want to come off, I loved the way I felt and the sex drive was back I was making good gains so I started doing more research about staying on all the time. I asked shadow pro from Tnation what he thought about me staying on all the time and if I should blast and cruise or not and if I should take the hcg if I wasn't worried about kids or my balls? He said that I didn't need to cruise at a lower dose and that I could keep it at 500mg year around and that if I wasn't worried about kids I really didn't need the hcg but I should keep the nolvadex on hand in case of gyno. He recomends 10mg of nolvadex everyday more than the recommended adex? I decided after 20 weeks to go off and go through pct just to see how everything worked. Pct went fine and after a couple months I was back to my normal self. I wanted to go right back on but decided to wait 4 months before going back on again as others have recommended, time off=time on and yes I know I shorted it by a month. Anyways I'm back on again and into my 4th week, I feel great and I'm making decent gains. I'm planning on doing the same cycle but....I'm thinking I should run the adex this time through the whole cycle and I'm undecided about the hcg?? Apologies for the long post and the spelling....never been a strong point!