Need Ostarine help; female


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I am at 25 year old female who's been training for over 5 years .. I decided to try ostarine for the first time as I have never taken anything other than creatine to improve my performance. I've been on a 12mg/day 4.5 weeks at the moment.. Ive have 0 bad side effects; little acne, no mood changes, etc. But Ive noticed increased mass, strength, energy, gained about 7-8lbs while decreasing body fat in my stomach (pretty much the only place I would hold whatever fat I had) and currently loving this cycle. However, Ive read that it's likely I will not have my period during cycle.. but I've been on my period consistently for the past two and a half weeks. Is it possible that I'm taking too little or too much ostarine? my normal menstraul cycle is light & between 6-7 days, this one is still light but past 16 days... No other effects have occurred with my mood or the way my body is feeling. Could anyone help me out with why this is occurring and if it's okay or not? Thanks
The only studies I can find are all on post menopausal women, so that is of no use to you. They DID show greatly increased muscle mass (study was done in 2010):

After 12 weeks of treatment, Ostarine 3 mg and MK-3984 significantly increased total lean body mass. Compared to placebo, mean differences from baseline for lean body mass were observed with increases of 1.54 kg (p value<0.001) for both Ostarine 3 mg and 50 mg of MK-3984 and an increase of 1.74 kg (p value<0.001) for 125 mg of MK-3984. Increases in thigh muscle volume as measured by MRI for Ostarine and MK-3984 were noted as early as week 4 with the effect persisting through the end of the study. Ostarine 3 mg and MK-3984 treatment resulted in an increase in leg muscle strength. Mean leg muscle strength at 12 weeks for Ostarine 3 mg treated subjects increased by 22 pounds from baseline.

Ostarine 3 mg and MK-3984 were tissue selective. Treatment did not cause virilization in these women, as there was no change in sebaceous gland volume, rate of sebum excretion, or hair follicle gene expression. Moreover, Ostarine 3 mg and MK-3984 did not stimulate endometrial proliferation as measured by endometrial thickness. As for safety, seven subjects treated with MK-3984 were discontinued from the study due to elevations in liver enzymes greater than three times the upper limit of normal, whereas no clinically significant liver enzyme elevations occurred in subjects treated with Ostarine.
GTx (GTXI) Announces Positive Data in Ostarine Study in Postmenopausal Women

And I blatantly ripped this from a log a woman ran - a bikini competitor:

So a general summary of the whole cycle:

-Gained 6 lbs in 8 weeks while looking leaner
-Noticeable strength gains
-Increased endurance for all workouts, could be at the gym for 3 hours doing lifting and cardio all in one session
-Fullness of muscles
-Overall feeling of well being

-a lot of water retention
-increased aggression towards last few weeks of cycle. Positive for the gym, but I got a little bitchy at random times and impatient when I'm generally a very even, nice person
-increased discharge/odor down there
-decreased libido
-crazy increase in appetite time to time. Not a constant thing.
-no signs of menstrual cycle
-Never really got rid of mild cold symptoms which began since before the osta cycle. Had a phlegmy cough for almost 6 weeks straight, and breathing through the nose has not been 100%.

And just things in general, I noticed my clit was slightly enlarged. I had acne pop up during the beginning of the cycle but not bad at all.

I went from eating 2-2.1 kcal in the beginning, to eating 2400 calories in the end.

Overall, really great research chemical and I enjoyed it a lot.
This is great info thank you!! However I'm still confused as to why everyone else's menstrual cycle stops but mine has continued way past the usual