Need PH help please


New member
I really need help with what to take with a cycle of helladrol for it to be the safest (can't use a serm) as possible and most effective. I don't want to stack it with another ph being my first time taking a prohormone. I was wondering on what I should take along the lines of liver support, post cycle therapy (pct), test boost, etc...I'm currently a little above 5'5...about 175 pounds (10% body fat) looking to get down to around 6-7% bf and make some strength gains. As for the prohormone itself I was going to do helladrol 50mg the first week followed by 5 weeks at 75mg. All the help and advice is greatly appreciated.
Yeah has cycle support supps. Pes Erase and iml cycle support are solid. I have used both with three of my ph cycles.
i wasn't saying i wasn't going to take a pct i was just wondering on good pcts that you would recommend its my first time so i don't know what is effective and what is not.
Why can't you take a serm? You can get them from rui-products. I would definitely recommend Nolva 40/30/20/20 for PCT.
Serms really aren't that hard to get. Akol just gave you a place to get them at. Helladrol is mild, I'm thinking about running it myself but hitting up 100mgs the last week bc I weigh 200. If you don't wanna get a SERM you run a risk of not recovering. If your dead set on taking an OTC for post cycle therapy (pct) I'd take Unleashed and post cycle therapy (pct) combo. Throw in some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) incase you are prone to gyno and bloat. Also I would take some sort of cycle assist that has milk thistle and Hawthorne berry to help aide your liver and blood pressure. It's a lot, but you can't be too safe when it comes to your health.
i was just going to get the stack on mrsupps...and maybe use n2guard in place of the forged liver support but not 100% sure yet