Need some advice guys.. Test prop cutting cycle


New member
Will be finishing with test only cycle.. have gained 5 kg (10 lbs) so far, still 4 weeks to go.. Planning on a cut cycle in the near future
was thinking about 2 options..
Option 1
Week 1-6 Test Prop 300mg/week (M/W/F)
Week 1-6 Mast 300mg/week (M/W/F)
Week 1-6 Clen 80mcg with keto fter 3 weeks
.25/.5 adex 2x a week

PCT would be
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Option 2
Week 1-7 Test Prop 300mg/week (M/W/F)
Week 2-7 Clen 80mcg with keto fter 3 weeks
.25/.5 adex 2x a week

PCT would be
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Oh btw im 26 years old..

i dont want to add too many compounds as it will be my 2nd cycle..

Diet would be on point..
nothing wrong with a short 6-8 week cycle of test prop for a mini cut. but only running mast for 6 weeks at 300mg a week is a waste of the masteron. Bump it up to 500-600 and extend it. I'm assuming your running mast prop not mast e.

also in both your options you mention running clen and doing keto diet for 3 weeks. not sure what the point of doing only 3 weeks of keto. in fact, with some people it takes a good 3-4 weeks just to get into ketosis in the first place . by time your body begins adapting to the new diet and getting into ketosis , your going to then quit the diet and get none of the benefits (all while going through the feel like shit transition period) .

Just run the Keto diet the entire time of your cut if your plan is to to the keto diet . otherwise don't waste your time with it for only 3 weeks. again, you may not even get into deep ketosis for 3 weeks , after that 'feel like shit' transition period to get there, why would you then want to quit.
nothing wrong with a short 6-8 week cycle of test prop for a mini cut. but only running mast for 6 weeks at 300mg a week is a waste of the masteron. Bump it up to 500-600 and extend it. I'm assuming your running mast prop not mast e.

also in both your options you mention running clen and doing keto diet for 3 weeks. not sure what the point of doing only 3 weeks of keto. in fact, with some people it takes a good 3-4 weeks just to get into ketosis in the first place . by time your body begins adapting to the new diet and getting into ketosis , your going to then quit the diet and get none of the benefits (all while going through the feel like shit transition period) .

Just run the Keto diet the entire time of your cut if your plan is to to the keto diet . otherwise don't waste your time with it for only 3 weeks. again, you may not even get into deep ketosis for 3 weeks , after that 'feel like shit' transition period to get there, why would you then want to quit.

Hey, Im not planning to run mast alone and yes its mast prop.. and also by keto i meant ketotifen.. im sorry i should have written the whole thing.. would test p only be good cycle for 6-7 weeks?? i like the idea of test only cycles, just changing ester depending on my goal.. maybe i'll add more compounds in my 3rd-4th cycle..
Hey, Im not planning to run mast alone and yes its mast prop.. and also by keto i meant ketotifen.. im sorry i should have written the whole thing.. would test p only be good cycle for 6-7 weeks?? i like the idea of test only cycles, just changing ester depending on my goal.. maybe i'll add more compounds in my 3rd-4th cycle..

sorry about the confusion , i seen that you were cutting and seen "Keto" and automatically assumed that that meant the keto diet.

yeah I did not think you'd be running masteron alone, as thats a horrible idea. I was just saying that masteron is one of those compounds that is best run at higher dosages and for longer lengths of time. A 6 week 'mini cut' is not really where masteron shines. sure its a great compound while cutting, its great for recomp too, its a great compound to add to just about any cycle as its very synergistic and does not aromatize. BUT its a bit slow going and not highly anabolic , so 6 week low dose won't do too much to help you ,,

if your only going to do a 6 week mini cut then just stick with test prop. Unless you want to extend your cut to 8+ weeks and bump the masteron dosage up. though running masteron isn't going to hurt anything for 6 weeks that for sure , I'm just saying its a little bit of a waste. but what the hell, do it if you want and see how it goes.. i just think you'll get better results at higher dose and longer.