Okay Liddo, let's just use a test/deca cycle as an example. If you decide this is too much you can drop the deca out and use the test only. This is a good second cyle so if you feel you do NOT need the deca there is nothing wrong with that. In fact use the LEAST number of compounds and lowest dosage you think you can while still making gains. A lot of vets use 700mg of test with 500 mg of deca, that is kinda a lot. You can get gains on less for sure.
Let's say injection days are wenesday and saturday. We are going for 375mg deca and 500 mg of test a week, so we need to split dosage. The idea is to keep blood levels somewhat even/ consistent. If dosage was not split you would get big side effects due to a peak or rush of hormone followed by a troph.
So wen. take 1ml(1CC) of Test E (250) and .75ml(3/4CC) of Deca ( 250). Saturday do the same thing. Start this the very 1st week of the cycle. This is going to be around a 14 week+ cycle. When you get to saturday of week 13 stop the deca. Continue the Test through week 14. By now you should have used 28ml of test. You MAY have enough for 1 more ML/CC by drawing the scrap in each vial for the wenesday on the 15th week. If so go ahead, but do not use MORE than 1ml due to sides, and do not use less due to keeping your system shut down for no reason.
You start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after your last shot of test E (cause of the half-life of the ester) ~Deca's ester's half-life is longer but we accounted for that by stopping deca a week earlier so dont worry about it.~
As an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) buy arimidex or aromasin. Arimidex usually ran from the start of the cycle THROUGH post cycle therapy (pct). Take .5mg EoD( yes as in under 1mg). Aromasin is taken ED sometimes at 6.75mg. Personally I like arimidex.
For post cycle therapy (pct) you wait your 2 weeks after last pin and then take 50mg of clomid ED for 4 weeks. Also, take 40MG of nolvadex ED for 2 weeks and then drop it to 20mg ED for 2 more weeks..... you'll see this a lot with nolva 40/40/20/20.
Let's talk about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) then we can recap.
The "waiting period" between last pin and post cycle therapy (pct) is when you can use HCG.... right away have it know you have many many options when it comes to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) so if you here different it is not wrong. Since this is a light cycle lets do a light Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast at the end.
The day after the last pin of test take 250IU of hcg.... do this everyday until day 10. If this is a lot of pinning you may use 500IU EoD until day 10.
Arimidex @ .5mg EoD throughout until post cycle therapy (pct).
week 1-13 500mg test/ 375mg deca
week 14 500 mg test
* if you have extra test you can use 1cc on wen. for week 15th*
Start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days either 250IU ED or 500IU EoD.
2 weeks after last pin start your nolva 40/40/20/20 and your clomid @ 50mg a day. Once 4 weeks are over your done kid!
Hope this helps a lot. Please..... don't just do this..... make sure you know its correct first. I am just some asshole on the internet. This is your body! Do some research as to WHY you are doing things as well as WHEN. GL have fun..... Oh and if you scratch the deca just take it out, everything else remains the same!