Need some help after injury


New member
I took my first shot of test E (500mg) 3 days ago. I tore a tendon in my shoulder and will have to stop my cycle.

Will one shot of 500mg shut me down? I don't think so. Should I run some clomid and nov for a week? Or not necessary? Or just Nov for a week.

Thx. What bummer!!! My first cycle too.
You had one shot of 500 mg or one shot of 250 mg? I don't think that one shot can permanently shut you down. Just stop it now if you are sure it is a tendon tear.
One shot of 500. I went to the doctor today as my shoulder is frozen. Pretty sure it's a tear. The MRI will tell me the severity and if I go down the physical therapy road or surgery.
Fuck man that sucks. You can run a couple weeks clomid and nolva pct if you want to play it safe. I still think it is not necessary, but maybe someone else can chime in to give you an idea. Good luck and recover quickly.