Need some help on this


New member
I am going to start my second cycle of test e 500 mg a week for 12 weeks and dbol 30 mg for 4 weeks I ran the same cycle before but ended up running it all down when i had to do certain training (not getting into that). I am 5'9'' and 165 lbs. I train M/T/W/F/Sat. and have been doing mostly high reps for the past month to cut up a little. I'm getting the cycle started around the end of the month and this time I am going to get the most out of it by trying to learn more about the diet aspect. The only thing is that I am trying to stay on a budget and eat big as well what's some advice as to the foods or diet I should into for best results. I want to gain 20 lbs on this and keep 15 but will be happy with a little less thats the goal. thx
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Anyone have just some basic guidelines than to follow since nobody will comment on the first comment...maybe that will shed some more light on the subject for me
So you're bulking and you want to do it cheap.

Eggs and egg whites are cheap. Bulk chicken and eye of round....but buy in bulk. Protein

Potatoes and oatmeal and rice......cheapest carb sources you'll get and excellent for bulking.

Fats is a bit harder....I find olive oil the cheapest. Nuts and nut butters can get pricey.

These are basics of course.

Vegetables.....they can get expensive....frozen ones will be cheapest.

Fruits...apples, bananas, oranges the cheapest. But frozen berries are healthy...try to find a big bulk bag of those.

And Smoky...patience....the diet section is not nearly as popular as the AAS section so you may have to wait longer for a reply!
awesome exactly what I was looking for sorry to sound anxious guess i'm new to this area on the site ;)