Need Some Help!please!


New member

I am currently cycling tribulus.every time i come off i feel like i have seriousely crashed,im not naturally overflowing with test so this is why i am tryin to boost it up,
but no one else i know has crashed off this sfuff.

i was thinking of starting a andro cycle but need to know wether i will need post cycle therapy (pct) or any gyno stoppers if i do can you tell me what one to take with andro.

how many cycles are safe?im lookin for long term hi test as well as short term boosts .

any other precautions i should take.ive tried searches on it but there is not that much info.

would really appreciate some input guys

you may not need anti e's or post cycle therapy (pct). not all get shut down or have sides from andros. its carzy to take the stuff if you dont need it. sure have it available if youneed it but dont start it til you need it. i like arimidex and clomid. arim keps e low and clo keeps the boys up and runnin.

test only cycle works if thats what you want. i'd at least add deca or tren to it though. long ester tests are more user friendly as is deca. higher concentrations and less injects. hope this helped.