Need Some Help With Cycle Info


New member
Body Info

Age: 25
Weight: 245-250lbs
Height: 6'6

Previous Cycle Info
DBOL kick star (200pills) 60mg/daily... Test 400 x3 1ml/every 3.5 days , Deca 300 x3 1ml/every 3.5 days

Did exact same cycle recently - I just finished about 3 weeks ago - have been coasting with just test 400
I want to continue with no PCT to get bulky for summer, then do hardcore PCT

I wanted to do same cycle, up deca to 1.2ml/every 3.5 days, stay at test 1ml/every 3.5 days
but I wanted to kick start with M1T
Let me know what you guys think - also how to go about dosage of M1T (ive heard 3-4 week max cycle, of 5-20mg per day - and I thought based on my size I should be at about 20mg daily)

ive heard great things about m1t and I do understand it is very toxic, I don't drink at all which will help, and I plan to take milk thistle and liv52 (also whats best milk thistle extract product out there)

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You should stay on for that long. Your body and HPTA need to recover. Come off abs do PCT. Time On + PCT = Time Off.

Where's you AI by the way?

In the future, it is a lot easier if you express dosages in milligrams rather than in volume. Then we don't have to do the conversions. We may not always know that the conversion rate is for something you are using.