New Baseline Blood Panel After "Restart"


New member
- Diagnosed with low T at 26 with a Total T of 275.
- Doc put me straight on injections
- After 2 months he pulled me off injections and endo tried to do a restart with clomd
- 2 weeks at 50mg a day clomid brought my Total T to 800
- 1 month after Clomid numbers fell to 500
- About 8 months later Total T was at 408

Did all new baseline for T and Thyroid 2 days ago (still waiting on Estradiol)

Testosterone 465 250 - 1000 ng/dL Final
Sex Hormone Binding 18 11 - 78 nmol/L Final
Free Androgen Index 89.6 19.2 - 123.2 Final
Testosterone, Free 129.7 47.0 - 244.0 pg/mL Final
TSH 2.26 0.45 - 4.50 mIU/L
FSH 3.8
LH 2.5
Prolactin 8.0 2.0 - 18.0 ng/mL
T3, Free 2.9 2.3 - 4.2 pg/mL
Free T4 1.04 0.7 - 1.5 ng/dL

Still having a lot of Low T symptoms

Average body Temp is 95.5 and still have freezing cold feet.

Anything you guys can gather from my bloodwork?

Thank you
You took 100 mg clomid for 14 days if I remember correct. No?
Your Free Test looks well within the normal range. SHBG is nice and lowish.
Even TT of 465 is not hypogonadal.
Are you on enough zinc, vit d, saturated and mono unstaturated fats?

95.5 is hypothyroidism. ....
that temp take in the morning ?
2.9 Free T3 is okish. Not ideal.
50mg a day for 2 weeks for the Clomid

Test was done at 8am

I am going to try this as well as trying to manage my own anxiety to see if I can get my T levels higher naturally. While 465 is better than the 275 I was at, it is still not awesome and I felt better in the 7 to 900 range.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally | The Art of Manliness

If I am unable to treat it naturally and it falls under 400 again I am just going to go to a clinic or start with IMT.
- Diagnosed with low T at 26 with a Total T of 275.
- Doc put me straight on injections
- After 2 months he pulled me off injections and endo tried to do a restart with clomd
- 2 weeks at 50mg a day clomid brought my Total T to 800
- 1 month after Clomid numbers fell to 500
- About 8 months later Total T was at 408

Did all new baseline for T and Thyroid 2 days ago (still waiting on Estradiol)

Testosterone 465 250 - 1000 ng/dL Final
Sex Hormone Binding 18 11 - 78 nmol/L Final
Free Androgen Index 89.6 19.2 - 123.2 Final
Testosterone, Free 129.7 47.0 - 244.0 pg/mL Final
TSH 2.26 0.45 - 4.50 mIU/L
FSH 3.8
LH 2.5
Prolactin 8.0 2.0 - 18.0 ng/mL
T3, Free 2.9 2.3 - 4.2 pg/mL
Free T4 1.04 0.7 - 1.5 ng/dL

Still having a lot of Low T symptoms

Average body Temp is 95.5 and still have freezing cold feet.

Anything you guys can gather from my bloodwork?

Thank you

Those symptoms are indicative of hypothyroidism...
check Ferritin, make sure you are getting enough zinc, b vitamins, selenium for thyroid/Test.
Just received my Estrogen test

Estrogens, E1+E2, fractionated, S

Estrone, S 38 pg/mL 10-60

Estradiol, S 25 pg/mL 10-40
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